A Moderation and General Discord Bot for Server Management and Fun!
A list of cogs, commands, and descriptions:
Actions, Admin, Ascii, Bot, BotAdmin, CAH, Calc, Channel, ChatterBot, Claptrap, Clippy, CogManager, Comic, DJRoles, Debugging, DisableCommand, DrBeer, EightBall, Emoji, Encode, Example, Face, Feed, Fliptime, GameLookup, Giphy, Groot, Help, Humor, Hw, IntelArk, Invite, Jpeg, LangFilter, Lists, MadLibs, Morse, Music, OfflineUser, PciUsb, Plist, Printer, Profile, Promote, Quote, RateLimit, Reddit, Remind, Search, SecretSanta, Server, ServerStats, Settings, Setup, Spooktober, Stream, Strike, Tags, Telephone, TempRole, Time, Translate, Turret, Uptime, UrbanDict, UserRole, VoteKick, Weather, Welcome, Wiki, Xp, XpBlock, XpStack
$boop [member]
└─ Boop da snoot.
$drink [member]
└─ Drink like a boss.
$eat [member]
└─ Eat like a boss.
$highfive [member]
└─ High five like a boss.
$pet [member]
└─ pet kitties.
$spook [member]
└─ sp00ktober by camiel.
$addadmin [role]
└─ Adds a new role to the admin list (admin only).
$addxprole [role] [xp]
└─ Adds a new role to the xp promotion/demotion system (admin only).
$broadcast [message]
└─ Broadcasts a message to all connected servers. Can only be done by the owner.
└─ Lists the server's default channel, whether custom or not.
└─ Toggles whether the bot only responds to admins (admin only).
$onexprole [yes_no]
└─ Gets and sets whether or not to remove all but the current xp role a user has...
└─ Removes any roles from the xp promotion/demotion system that are no longer on...
└─ Display the markdown for the server's rules (bot-admin only).
$removeadmin [role]
└─ Removes a role from the admin list (admin only).
$removemotd [chan]
└─ Removes the message of the day from the selected channel.
$removexprole [role]
└─ Removes a role from the xp promotion/demotion system (admin only).
$setdefaultchannel [channel]
└─ Sets a replacement default channel for bot messages (admin only).
$setdefaultrole [role]
└─ Sets the default role or position for auto-role assignment.
$sethackrole [role]
└─ Sets the required role ID to add/remove hacks (admin only).
$setlinkrole [role]
└─ Sets the required role ID to add/remove links (admin only).
$setmadlibschannel [channel]
└─ Sets the channel for MadLibs (admin only).
$setmotd [message] [chan]
└─ Adds a message of the day to the selected channel.
$setrules [rules]
└─ Set the server's rules (bot-admin only).
$setstoprole [role]
└─ Sets the required role ID to stop the music player (admin only).
$setxp [member] [xpAmount]
└─ Sets an absolute value for the member's xp (admin only).
$setxpreserve [member] [xpAmount]
└─ Set's an absolute value for the member's xp reserve (admin only).
$setxprole [role]
└─ Sets the required role ID to give xp, gamble, or feed the bot (admin only).
└─ Lists the required role to stop the bot from playing music.
$xplimit [limit]
└─ Gets and sets a limit to the maximum xp a member can get. Pass a negative va...
$xpreservelimit [limit]
└─ Gets and sets a limit to the maximum xp reserve a member can get. Pass a neg...
└─ Lists the required role to give xp, gamble, or feed the bot.
$ascii [text]
└─ Beautify some text (font list at http://artii.herokuapp.com/fonts_list).
$adminunlim [yes_no]
└─ Sets whether or not to allow unlimited xp to admins (owner only).
$avatar [filename]
└─ Sets the bot's avatar (owner only).
$basadmin [yes_no]
└─ Sets whether or not to treat bot-admins as admins with regards to xp (admin o...
└─ Lists some general stats about the bot.
└─ Outputs the total count of lines of code in the currently installed repo.
$embed [embed_type=field] <embed>
└─ Builds an embed using json formatting.
$getimage <image>
└─ Tests downloading - owner only
└─ List info about the bot's host environment.
$joinpm [yes_no]
└─ Sets whether or not to pm the rules to new users when they join (bot-admin on...
$listengame [game]
└─ Sets the listening status of the bot (owner-only).
$nickname [name]
└─ Set the bot's nickname (admin-only).
└─ Feeling lonely?
$playgame [game]
└─ Sets the playing status of the bot (owner-only).
$pres [playing_type=0] [status_type=online] [game] [url]
└─ Changes the bot's presence (owner-only).
$reboot [force]
└─ Reboots the bot (owner only).
└─ Lists the number of servers I'm connected to!
$setbotparts [parts]
└─ Set the bot's parts - can be a url, formatted text, or nothing to clear.
$shutdown [force]
└─ Shuts down the bot (owner only).
└─ Link the github source.
└─ Run a network speed test (owner only).
$status [status]
└─ Gets or sets the bot's online status (owner-only).
$streamgame [url] [game]
└─ Sets the streaming status of the bot, requires the url and the game (owner-on...
$watchgame [game]
└─ Sets the watching status of the bot (owner-only).
$ban [member]
└─ Bans the selected member (bot-admin only).
$ignore [member]
└─ Adds a member to the bot's "ignore" list (bot-admin only).
└─ Lists the users currently being ignored.
$kick [member]
└─ Kicks the selected member (bot-admin only).
$listen [member]
└─ Removes a member from the bot's "ignore" list (bot-admin only).
$mute [member] [cooldown]
└─ Prevents a member from sending messages in chat (bot-admin only).
$setuserparts [member] [parts]
└─ Set another user's parts list (owner only).
$unmute [member]
└─ Allows a muted member to send messages in chat (bot-admin only).
└─ Adds a bot to the game. Can only be done by the player who created the game.
$addbots [number]
└─ Adds bots to the game. Can only be done by the player who created the game.
└─ Displays up to 10 CAH games in progress.
└─ Flushes the cards in your hand - can only be done once per game.
$game [message]
└─ Displays the game's current status.
└─ Shows your hand.
$idlekick [setting]
└─ Sets whether or not to kick members if idle for 5 minutes or more. Can only ...
$joincah [id]
└─ Join a Cards Against Humanity game. If no id or user is passed, joins a rand...
└─ Shows who laid their cards and who hasn't.
$lay [card]
└─ Lays a card or cards from your hand. If multiple cards are needed, separate ...
└─ Leaves the current game you're in.
└─ Starts a new Cards Against Humanity game.
$pick [card]
└─ As the judge - pick the winning card(s).
$removebot [id]
└─ Removes a bot from the game. Can only be done by the player who created the ...
$removeplayer [name]
└─ Removes a player from the game. Can only be done by the player who created t...
$say [message]
└─ Broadcasts a message to the other players in your game.
└─ Display the score of the current game.
$calc [formula]
└─ Do some math.
└─ Says whether the bot only responds to admins.
$ismuted [member]
└─ Says whether a member is muted in chat.
└─ Lists admin roles and id's.
└─ Lists the names of those that are muted.
$log [messages=25] [chan]
└─ Logs the passed number of messages from the given channel - 25 by default (ad...
$rolecall [role]
└─ Lists the number of users in a current role.
└─ Display the server's rules.
$chat [message]
└─ Chats with the bot.
$setchatchannel [channel]
└─ Sets the channel for bot chatter.
└─ Can I shoot something now? Or climb some stairs? SOMETHING exciting?
$clippy [text]
└─ I *know* you wanted some help with something - what was it?
$extension [extension]
└─ Outputs the cogs attatched to the passed extension.
└─ Lists all extensions and their corresponding cogs.
$imports [extension]
└─ Outputs the extensions imported by the passed extension.
$reload [extension]
└─ Reloads the passed extension - or all if none passed.
└─ Updates from git.
$calvin [date]
└─ Displays the Calvin & Hobbes comic for the passed date (MM-DD-YYYY) if found.
$cyanide [date]
└─ Displays the Cyanide & Happiness comic for the passed date (MM-DD-YYYY) if fo...
$dilbert [date]
└─ Displays the Dilbert comic for the passed date (MM-DD-YYYY).
$garfield [date]
└─ Displays the Garfield comic for the passed date (MM-DD-YYYY) if found.
$gmg [date]
└─ Displays the Garfield Minus Garfield comic for the passed date (MM-DD-YYYY) i...
$peanuts [date]
└─ Displays the Peanuts comic for the passed date (MM-DD-YYYY) if found.
└─ Randomly picks and displays a Calvin & Hobbes comic.
└─ Randomly picks and displays a Cyanide & Happiness comic.
└─ Randomly picks and displays a Garfield comic.
└─ Randomly picks and displays a Garfield Minus Garfield comic.
└─ Randomly picks and displays a Dilbert comic.
└─ Randomly picks and displays a Peanuts comic.
└─ Displays a random XKCD comic.
$xkcd [date]
└─ Displays the XKCD comic for the passed date (MM-DD-YYYY) or comic number if f...
$adddj [role]
└─ Adds a new role to the dj list (bot-admin only).
└─ Lists dj roles and id's.
$removedj [role]
└─ Removes a role from the dj list (bot-admin only).
$ytlist [yes_no]
└─ Gets or sets whether or not the server will show a list of options when searc...
$clean [messages] [chan]
└─ Cleans the passed number of messages from the given channel (admin only).
└─ Deletes the debug.txt file (owner only).
└─ Write to the console and attempt to send a message (owner only).
$logdisable [options]
└─ Disables the passed, comma-delimited log vars.
$logenable [options]
└─ Enables the passed, comma-delimited log vars.
└─ Outputs whether or not we're logging is enabled (bot-admin only).
$logpreset [preset]
└─ Can select one of 4 available presets - off, quiet, normal, verbose (bot-admi...
$setdebug [debug]
└─ Turns on/off debugging (owner only - always off by default).
$setlogchannel [channel]
└─ Sets the channel for Logging (bot-admin only).
$adminallow [yes_no]
└─ Sets whether admins can access disabled commands (admin-only).
$badminallow [yes_no]
└─ Sets whether bot-admins can access disabled commands (admin-only).
$disable [command_or_cog_name]
└─ Disables the passed command or all commands in the passed cog (admin-only). ...
└─ Disables all enabled commands outside this module (admin-only).
$disabledreact [yes_no]
└─ Sets whether the bot reacts to disabled commands when attempted (admin-only).
$enable [command_or_cog_name]
└─ Enables the passed command or all commands in the passed cog (admin-only). C...
└─ Enables all disabled commands (admin-only).
$isdisabled [command_or_cog_name]
└─ Outputs whether the passed command - or all commands in a passed cog are disa...
└─ Lists all disabled commands (admin-only).
└─ Put yourself in your place.
$eightball [question]
└─ Get some answers.
$emoji [emoji]
└─ Outputs the passed emoji... but bigger!
$binint [input_binary]
└─ Converts the input binary to its integer representation.
$binstr [input_binary]
└─ Converts the input binary to its string representation.
$color [value]
└─ View info on a rgb, hex or cmyk color and their
$dechex [input_dec]
└─ Converts an int to hex.
$encode [from_type] [to_type] [value]
└─ Data converter from ascii <--> hex <--> base64.
$hexdec [input_hex]
└─ Converts hex to decimal.
$hexswap [input_hex]
└─ Byte swaps the passed hex value.
$intbin [input_int]
└─ Converts the input integer to its binary representation.
$slide [input_hex]
└─ Calculates your slide value for Clover based on an input address (in hex).
$strbin [input_string]
└─ Converts the input string to its binary representation.
$add <left> <right>
└─ Adds two numbers together.
$choose [choices...]
└─ Chooses between multiple choices.
$joined [member]
└─ Says when a member joined.
$roll [dice=1d20]
└─ Rolls a dice in NdN±Na/d format.
└─ Who Lenny'ed last?
└─ Who shrugged last?
$lenny [message]
└─ Give me some Lenny.
$shrug [message]
└─ Shrug it off.
$feed [food]
└─ Feed the bot some xp!
└─ How hungry is the bot?
$ignoredeath [yes_no]
└─ Sets whether the bot ignores its own death and continues to respond post-mort...
└─ Check the ded of the bot.
└─ Kill the bot... you heartless soul.
└─ Lists the required role to kill/resurrect the bot.
└─ Restore life to the bot. What magic is this?
$setkillrole [role]
└─ Sets the required role ID to add/remove hacks (admin only).
$tableflip [yes_no]
└─ Turns on/off table flip muting (bot-admin only; always off by default).
$gamelookup <game>
└─ Help not available...
$addgif [role]
└─ Adds a new role to the gif list (admin only).
$gif [gif]
└─ Search for some giphy!
└─ Lists gif roles and id's.
$removegif [role]
└─ Removes a role from the gif list (admin only).
└─ Who... who are you?
$dumphelp [tab_indent_count]
└─ Dumps a timpestamped, formatted list of commands and descriptions into the sa...
└─ Dumps a timpestamped, markdown-formatted list of commands and descriptions in...
$help [command]
└─ Lists the bot's commands and cogs.
└─ PrincessZoey :P
└─ Speaking French... probably...
└─ Speaking German... probably...
$holy [subject]
└─ Time to backup the Batman!
$meme [template_id] [text_zero] [text_one]
└─ Generate Memes! You can get a list of meme templates with the memetemps comm...
└─ Get Meme Templates
$poke [url]
└─ Pokes the passed url/user/uploaded image.
$zalgo [message]
└─ Ỉ s̰hͨo̹u̳lͪd͆ r͈͍e͓̬a͓͜lͨ̈l̘̇y̡͟ h͚͆a̵͢v͐͑eͦ̓ i͋̍̕n̵̰ͤs͖̟̟t͔ͤ̉ǎ͓͐ḻ̪ͨl̦͒̂e...
└─ Cancels a current hardware session.
$delhw [build]
└─ Removes a build from your build list.
$edithw [build]
└─ Edits a build from your build list.
$gethw [user] [search]
└─ Searches the user's hardware for a specific search term.
$hw [user] [build]
└─ Lists the hardware for either the user's default build - or the passed build.
$listhw [user]
└─ Lists the builds for the specified user - or yourself if no user passed.
$mainhw [build]
└─ Sets a new main build from your build list.
└─ Initiate a new-hardware conversation with the bot. The hardware added will a...
$pcpp [url] [style] [escape]
└─ Convert a pcpartpicker.com link into markdown parts. Available styles: normal...
$rawhw [user] [build]
└─ Lists the raw markdown for either the user's default build - or the passed bu...
$renhw [build]
└─ Renames a build from your build list.
$sethwchannel [channel]
└─ Sets the channel for hardware (admin only).
$iark [text]
└─ Search Ark for Intel CPU info.
$approvejoin [server_id]
└─ Temporarily allows the bot to join the passed server id or join url (owner-on...
$block [server]
└─ Blocks the bot from joining a server - takes either a name or an id (owner-on...
└─ Lists all blocked servers and owners (owner-only).
$canjoin [yes_no]
└─ Sets whether the bot is allowed to join new servers (owner-only and enabled b...
$invite [invite_url]
└─ Outputs a url you can use to invite me to your server.
$requestjoin [invite_url]
└─ Forwards the invite url to the bot's owners for review.
$revokejoin [server_id]
└─ Revokes a previously approved temporary join (owner-only).
$unblock [server]
└─ Unblocks a server or owner (owner-only).
└─ Unblocks all blocked servers and owners (owner-only).
$jpeg [url]
└─ MOAR JPEG! Accepts a url - or picks the first attachment.
$addfilter [words]
└─ Adds comma delimited words to the word list (bot-admin only).
└─ Empties the list of words that will be filtered (bot-admin only).
└─ Saves the filtered word list to a text file and uploads it to the requestor (...
└─ Prints out the list of words that will be filtered (bot-admin only).
$remfilter [words]
└─ Removes comma delimited words from the word list (bot-admin only).
$addhack [name] [hack]
└─ Add a hack to the hack list.
$addlink [name] [link]
└─ Add a link to the link list.
$hack [name]
└─ Retrieve a hack from the hack list.
$hackinfo [name]
└─ Displays info about a hack from the hack list.
└─ Lists the required role to add hacks.
└─ List all hacks in the hack list.
$lastonline [member]
└─ Lists the last time a user was online if known.
$link [name]
└─ Retrieve a link from the link list.
$linkinfo [name]
└─ Displays info about a link from the link list.
└─ Lists the required role to add links.
└─ List all links in the link list.
└─ Lists the number of users online.
$parts [member]
└─ Retrieve a member's parts list. DEPRECATED - Use hw instead.
└─ Gives a copy & paste style template for setting a parts list.
$rawhack [name]
└─ Retrieve a hack's raw markdown from the hack list.
└─ List raw markdown of all hacks in the hack list.
$rawlink [name]
└─ Retrieve a link's raw markdown from the link list.
└─ List raw markdown of all links in the link list.
$rawparts [member]
└─ Retrieve the raw markdown for a member's parts list. DEPRECATED - Use rawhw i...
$removehack [name]
└─ Remove a hack from the hack list.
$removelink [name]
└─ Remove a link from the link list.
$setparts [parts]
└─ Set your own parts - can be a url, formatted text, or nothing to clear. DEPRE...
└─ Let's play MadLibs!
$morse [content]
└─ Converts ascii to morse code. Accepts a-z and 0-9. Each letter is comprised...
$morsetable [num_per_row]
└─ Prints out the morse code lookup table.
$unmorse [content]
└─ Converts morse code to ascii. Each letter is comprised of "-" or "." and sep...
$autodeleteafter [seconds]
└─ Lists or sets the current delay before auto-deleting music related messages (...
$join [channel]
└─ Joins a voice channel.
└─ Pauses the currently playing song.
$paused [moons]
└─ Lists whether or not the player is paused. Synonym of the playing command.
$play [url]
└─ Plays from a url (almost anything youtube_dl supports) or resumes a currently...
$playing [moons]
└─ Lists the currently playing song if any.
└─ Shows the number of servers the bot is currently playing music in.
└─ Lists the queued songs in the playlist.
$repeat [yes_no]
└─ Checks or sets whether to repeat the current playlist.
└─ Resumes the song if paused.
└─ Adds your vote to skip the current song. 50% or more of the non-bot users ne...
└─ Stops and disconnects the bot from voice.
$unplay [song_number]
└─ Removes the passed song number from the queue. You must be the requestor, or...
└─ Removes all songs you've added from the queue (does not include the currently...
$volume [volume]
└─ Changes the player's volume (0-100).
$yt [search]
└─ Searches youtube for the passed terms and posts a link to the first hit.
$remindoffline [yes_no]
└─ Sets whether to inform users that pinged members are offline or not.
$pci [ven_dev]
└─ Searches pci-ids.ucw.cz for the passed PCI ven:dev id.
$usb [ven_dev]
└─ Searches usb-ids.gowdy.us for the passed USB ven:dev id.
$nvweb [os_build]
└─ Prints the download url for the passed OS build number (if it exists). If no...
$plist [url]
└─ Validates plist file structure. Accepts a url - or picks the first attachment.
$print [url]
└─ DOT MATRIX. Accepts a url - or picks the first attachment.
$printavi [member]
└─ Returns a url to the passed member's avatar.
$addprofile [name] [link]
└─ Add a profile to your profile list.
$profile [member] [name]
└─ Retrieve a profile from the passed user's profile list.
$profileinfo [member] [name]
└─ Displays info about a profile from the passed user's profile list.
$profiles [member]
└─ List all profiles in the passed user's profile list.
$rawprofile [member] [name]
└─ Retrieve a profile's raw markdown from the passed user's profile list.
$rawprofiles [member]
└─ List all profiles' raw markdown in the passed user's profile list.
$removeprofile [name]
└─ Remove a profile from your profile list.
$demote [member]
└─ Auto-removes the required xp to demote the passed user to the previous role (...
$demoteto [member] [role]
└─ Auto-removes the required xp to demote the passed user to the passed role (ad...
$promote [member]
└─ Auto-adds the required xp to promote the passed user to the next role (admin ...
$promoteto [member] [role]
└─ Auto-adds the required xp to promote the passed user to the passed role (admi...
└─ Clears the trigger reaction for quoting messages (admin only).
└─ Displays the quote reaction if there is one.
$quoteadminonly [yes_no]
└─ Sets whether only admins/bot-admins can quote or not (bot-admin only).
└─ Prints the current quote channel.
$setquotechannel [channel]
└─ Sets the channel for quoted messages or disables it if no channel sent (admin...
└─ Sets the trigger reaction for quoting messages (bot-admin only).
$ccooldown [delay]
└─ Sets the cooldown in seconds between each command (owner only).
└─ Get something abandoned to look at.
└─ Spout out some interstellar answering... ?
└─ Whenever you're down - uppify.
└─ Let's look at some pretty stuff.
└─ Spout out some uh... intellectual brilliance...
└─ Might as well be a noose...
└─ Marvels of modern engineering.
└─ Only the dankest.
└─ Let's see if reddit can be dir-... oh... uh.. funny... (bot-admin only)
└─ From the past - when great winged beasts soared the skies.
└─ Earth is good.
└─ Let's see if reddit can be funny...
└─ Become a pro - AT LIFE.
└─ Feast your eyes upon these setups.
└─ Me in real life.
└─ Spout out some intersexual brilliance.
└─ I hope you're not tired...
└─ I don't know, don't ask...
└─ Spout out some interstellar questioning... ?
└─ Meow.
└─ Bark if you know whassup.
$redditimage [subreddit]
└─ Try to grab an image from an image-based subreddit.
$ruser [user_name]
└─ Gets some info on the passed username - attempts to use your username if none...
└─ Let's look at some shitty stuff.
└─ Your advise is bad, and you should feel bad.
└─ I uh... I wrote it myself.
└─ Starterpacks.
└─ Tech support irl.
└─ Spout out some intellectual brilliance.
└─ Get something pretty to look at.
└─ Spout out some contextual brilliance.
$clearmind [index]
└─ Clear the reminder index passed - or all if none passed.
$reminders [member]
└─ List up to 10 pending reminders - pass a user to see their reminders.
$remindme [message] [endtime]
└─ Set a reminder. If the message contains spaces, it must be wrapped in quotes.
$aol [query]
└─ The OG search engine.
$ask [query]
└─ Jeeves, please answer these questions.
$bing [query]
└─ Get some uh... more searching done.
$convert [amount] [frm] [to]
└─ convert currencies
$duck [query]
└─ Duck Duck... GOOSE.
$google [query]
└─ Get some searching done.
$searchsite [category_name] [query]
└─ Search corpnewt.com forums.
$yahoo [query]
└─ Let Yahoo! answer your questions.
$allowss [yes_no]
└─ Sets whether the Secret Santa module is enabled (owner only; always off by de...
└─ Lists the current Secret Santa role.
└─ Prints the raw markdown for the Secret Santa channel create message (bot-admi...
$setssmessage [message]
└─ Sets the Secret Santa channel create message (bot-admin only).
$setssrole [role]
└─ Sets the Secret Santa role, or clears it if no role passed (bot-admin only).
$ssapplyreport [url]
└─ Applies the passed ss.json file's settings and gives the Secret Santa channel...
$sscreatechannels [category]
└─ Creates the private channels for all users with the Secret Santa role under t...
$ssgenreport [category]
└─ Randomly pairs users for Secret Santa and uploads a ss.json report (bot-admin...
$ssremovechannels [category]
└─ Removes all Secret Santa channels under a given category whose names correspo...
$ssrevert [category]
└─ Returns ownership of the Secret Santa channels to their original owners if fo...
└─ Prints the current Secret Santa channel create message (bot-admin only).
$autopcpp [setting]
└─ Sets the bot's auto-pcpartpicker markdown if found in messages (admin-only). ...
└─ Dumps a timpestamped list of servers into the same directory as the bot (owne...
└─ Output's the server's prefix - custom or otherwise.
└─ Displays the server info if any.
$leaveserver [targetServer]
└─ Leaves a server - can take a name or id (owner only).
$setinfo [word]
└─ Sets the server info (admin only).
$setprefix [prefix]
└─ Sets the bot's prefix (admin only).
└─ Lists the number of messages I've seen on all severs so far. (only applies af...
$bottomservers [number=10]
└─ Lists the bottom servers I'm connected to ordered by population - default is ...
$firstjoins [number=10]
└─ Lists the first users to join - default is 10, max is 25.
$firstservers [number=10]
└─ Lists the first servers I've joined - default is 10, max is 25.
$joinedatpos <position>
└─ Lists the user that joined at the passed position.
$joinpos [member]
└─ Tells when a user joined compared to other users.
$listbots [guild_name]
└─ Lists up to the first 20 bots of the current or passed server.
$listservers [number=10]
└─ Lists the servers I'm connected to - default is 10, max is 50.
└─ Lists the number of messages I've seen on this sever so far. (only applies af...
$recentjoins [number=10]
└─ Lists the most recent users to join - default is 10, max is 25.
$recentservers [number=10]
└─ Lists the most recent users to join - default is 10, max is 25.
$serverinfo [guild_name]
└─ Lists some info about the current or passed server.
$sharedservers [member]
└─ Lists how many servers you share with the bot.
$topservers [number=10]
└─ Lists the top servers I'm connected to ordered by population - default is 10,...
└─ Lists the total number of users on all servers I'm connected to.
$addowner [member]
└─ Adds an owner to the owner list. Can only be done by a current owner.
└─ Claims the bot if disowned - once set, can only be changed by the current owner.
└─ Revokes all ownership of the bot.
└─ Flush the bot settings to disk (admin only).
$getsstat [stat]
└─ Gets a server stat (admin only).
$getstat [stat] [member]
└─ Gets the value for a specific stat for the listed member (case-sensitive).
└─ Locks/unlocks the bot to only respond to the owner (owner-only... ofc).
└─ Lists the bot's current owners.
└─ Iterate through all members on all connected servers and remove orphaned sett...
└─ Compares the current server's settings to the default list and removes any no...
└─ Compares all connected servers' settings to the default list and removes any ...
$remowner [member]
└─ Removes an owner from the owner list. Can only be done by a current owner.
$setsstat [stat] [value]
└─ Sets a server stat (admin only).
└─ Runs first-time setup (server owner only).
$spooking [yes_no]
└─ Enables/Disables reacting 🎃 to every message on Halloween
$addstreamer [member]
└─ Adds the passed member to the streamer list (bot-admin only).
$rawstream [message]
└─ Displays the raw markdown for the stream announcement message (bot-admin only).
$remstreamer [member]
└─ Removes the passed member from the streamer list (bot-admin only).
$setstream [message]
└─ Sets the stream announcement message (bot-admin only).
$setstreamchannel [channel]
└─ Sets the channel for the stream announcements (bot-admin only).
└─ Displays the channel for the stream announcements - if any.
└─ Lists the current members in the streamer list.
$teststream [message]
└─ Tests the stream announcement message (bot-admin only).
$addban [member]
└─ Adds the passed user to the ban list (bot-admin only).
$addkick [member]
└─ Adds the passed user to the kick list (bot-admin only).
$isbanned [member]
└─ Lists whether the user is in the ban list.
$iskicked [member]
└─ Lists whether the user is in the kick list.
$removeban [member]
└─ Removes the passed user from the ban list (bot-admin only).
$removekick [member]
└─ Removes the passed user from the kick list (bot-admin only).
$removestrike [member]
└─ Removes a strike given to a member (bot-admin only).
$setstrikelevel [member] [strikelevel]
└─ Sets the strike level of the passed user (bot-admin only).
$setstrikelimit [limit]
└─ Sets the number of strikes before advancing to the next consequence (bot-admi...
$strike [member] [days] [message]
└─ Give a user a strike (bot-admin only).
└─ Lists the number of strikes before advancing to the next consequence.
$strikes [member]
└─ Check a your own, or another user's total strikes (bot-admin needed to check ...
$addtag [name] [tag]
└─ Add a tag to the tag list.
$rawtag [name]
└─ Retrieve a tag's raw markdown from the tag list.
└─ List raw markdown of all tags in the tags list.
$removetag [name]
└─ Remove a tag from the tag list.
$settagrole [role]
└─ Sets the required role ID to add/remove tags (admin only).
$tag [name]
└─ Retrieve a tag from the tag list.
$taginfo [name]
└─ Displays info about a tag from the tag list.
└─ Lists the required role to add tags.
└─ List all tags in the tags list.
$call [number]
└─ Calls the passed number. Can use *67 to hide your identity - or *69 to conne...
└─ Reveals the last number to call regardless of *67 settings (bot-admin only).
$phonebook [look_up]
└─ Lets you page through the phonebook - or optionally lets you search for a ser...
$settelechannel [channel]
└─ Sets the channel for telephone commands - or disables that if nothing is pass...
$teleblock [guild_name]
└─ Blocks all tele-numbers associated with the passed guild (bot-admin only).
└─ Lists guilds with blocked tele-numbers.
└─ Prints the current channel for telephone commands.
└─ Prints your telephone number.
$teleunblock [guild_name]
└─ Unblocks all tele-numbers associated with the passed guild (bot-admin only).
$addtemprole [role]
└─ Adds a new role to the temp role list (admin only).
$autotemp [role]
└─ Sets the temp role to apply to each new user that joins.
└─ Gets the temp role applied to each new user that joins.
$hastemp [member]
└─ Displays any temp roles the passed user has, and the remaining time.
└─ Lists all roles for the temp role system.
$removetemprole [role]
└─ Removes a role from the temp role list (admin only).
$temp [member] [role] [cooldown]
└─ Gives the passed member the temporary role for the passed amount of time - ne...
$temppm [yes_no]
└─ Sets whether to inform users that they've been given a temp role.
$temptime [minutes]
└─ Sets the number of minutes for the temp role - must be greater than 0 (admin-...
$untemp [member] [role]
└─ Removes the passed temp role from the passed user (bot-admin only).
$listtz [tz_search]
└─ List all the supported TimeZones in PM.
$offset [member]
└─ See a member's UTC offset.
$setoffset [offset]
└─ Set your UTC offset.
$settz [tz]
└─ Sets your TimeZone - Overrides your UTC offset - and accounts for DST.
$time [offset]
└─ Get UTC time +- an offset.
$tz [member]
└─ See a member's TimeZone.
└─ Lists available languages.
$tr [translate]
└─ Translate some stuff! Takes a phrase, the from language identifier (optional...
└─ Now you're thinking with - wait... uh.. turrets?
└─ Lists the bot's uptime.
$define [word]
└─ Gives the definition of the word passed.
└─ Gives a random word and its definition.
$addrole [role]
└─ Adds a role from the user role list to your roles. You can have multiples at...
$adduserrole [role]
└─ Adds a new role to the user role system (admin only).
└─ Removes all user roles from your roles.
$isurblocked [member]
└─ Outputs whether or not the passed user is blocked from the UserRole module.
└─ Lists all roles for the user role system.
$oneuserrole [yes_no]
└─ Turns on/off one user role at a time (bot-admin only; always on by default).
$removeuserrole [role]
└─ Removes a role from the user role system (admin only).
$remrole [role]
└─ Removes a role from the user role list from your roles.
$setrole [role]
└─ Sets your role from the user role list. You can only have one at a time.
$urblock [member]
└─ Blocks a user from using the UserRole system and removes applicable roles (bo...
$urunblock [member]
└─ Unblocks a user from the UserRole system (bot-admin only).
$setvkchannel [channel]
└─ Sets which channel then mention posts to when enough votes against a user are...
$setvkmention [user_or_role]
└─ Sets which user or role is mentioned when enough votes against a user are rea...
$vk [user] [server]
└─ Places your vote to have the passed user kicked.
$vkanon [yes_no]
└─ Sets whether vote messages are removed after voting (bot-admin only; always o...
└─ Gets which channel then mention posts to when enough votes against a user are...
$vkclear [user]
└─ Clears the votes against the passed user (bot-admin only).
$vkexpiretime [the_time]
└─ Sets the amount of time before a vote expires. 0 or less will make them perm...
└─ Lists the vote-kick info.
└─ Gets which user or role is mentioned when enough votes against a user are rea...
$vkmutetime [the_time]
└─ Sets the number of time a user is muted when the mute votes are reached - 0 o...
$vks [user]
└─ Lists the vote count of the passed user (bot-admin only) or the author if no ...
$vktomention [number_of_votes]
└─ Sets the number of votes before the selected role or user is mentioned. Anyt...
$vktomute [number_of_votes]
└─ Sets the number of votes before a user is muted. Anything less than 1 will d...
$forecast [city_name]
└─ Gets some weather, for 5 days or whatever.
$tconvert [temp] [from_type] [to_type]
└─ Converts between Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin. From/To types can be:
$weather [city_name]
└─ Gets some weather.
$rawgoodbye [member]
└─ Prints the current goodbye message's markdown (bot-admin only).
$rawwelcome [member]
└─ Prints the current welcome message's markdown (bot-admin only).
$setgoodbye [message]
└─ Sets the goodbye message for your server (bot-admin only).
$setwelcome [message]
└─ Sets the welcome message for your server (bot-admin only).
$setwelcomechannel [channel]
└─ Sets the channel for the welcome and goodbye messages (bot-admin only).
$testgoodbye [member]
└─ Prints the current goodbye message (bot-admin only).
$testwelcome [member]
└─ Prints the current welcome message (bot-admin only).
$wiki [search]
└─ Search Wikipedia!
$bottomxp [total=10]
└─ List the bottom xp-holders (max of 50).
└─ Lists the default role that new users are assigned.
$gamble [bet]
└─ Gamble your xp reserves for a chance at winning xp!
$leaderboard [total=10]
└─ List the top xp-holders (max of 50).
└─ Lists all roles, id's, and xp requirements for the xp promotion/demotion system.
$rank [member]
└─ Say the highest rank of a listed member.
$recheckrole [user]
└─ Re-iterate through all members and assign the proper roles based on their xp ...
└─ Re-iterate through all members and assign the proper roles based on their xp ...
$stats [member]
└─ List the xp and xp reserve of a listed member.
$xp [member] [xpAmount]
└─ Gift xp to other members.
└─ Gives a quick rundown of the xp system.
└─ Lists xp blocked users and roles.
$xpblock [user_or_role]
└─ Adds a new user or role to the xp block list (bot-admin only).
$xpunblock [user_or_role]
└─ Removes a user or role from the xp block list (bot-admin only).
└─ Removes all users and roles from the xp block list (bot-admin only).
└─ Displays the last xp transactions (bot-admin only).
└─ Clears all xp transactions from the transaction list for all servers (owner-o...
└─ Clears the xp transaction list (bot-admin only).
$setxpcount [count]
└─ Sets the number of xp transactions to keep (default is 10).
$xpcount [count]
└─ Returns the number of xp transactions to keep (default is 10).