A smart contract which enables users to vote for spending funds from a treasury UTXO.
The code on this repository has not been audited. We don't recommend it using in production without a full security audit. Use it at your own risk!.
This contract allows to pay the content of a treasury to the an address that gets enough votes. A special designated token represents the vote. Depening on the intial voting token distribution, allows different voting power per wallet.
Protocol steps:
Preparation steps:
- Mint voting tokens and distribute among participating wallets.
Set up the treasury:
- Lock tokens in the treasury with the vote configuration (voting token and required quorum)
Vote for address(es):
- Locks the a number of vote tokens together with a datum containing the voted choice.
Tally votes:
- Tries to collect more utxos with more than the required quorum on a particular choice.
- If successful, pays the content of the treasury to the winniing address.
Return (or recall) vote
- At any time, a voter can get back all their votes
To build the project execute cabal build
at the project root.
To build:
$ nix-shell
$ cabal build
To run use-case test execute the following commands at the project root.
$ cabal test
Build profile: -w ghc- -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
- voting-dapp- (test:voting-dapp-test) (first run)
Preprocessing test suite 'voting-dapp-test' for voting-dapp-
Building test suite 'voting-dapp-test' for voting-dapp-
Running 1 test suites...
Test suite voting-dapp-test: RUNNING...
use cases
Simple endpoint tests
Expose endpoints: OK
Build treasury: OK (0.02s)
Single vote: OK (0.04s)
Return vote: OK (0.08s)
Tally votes: OK (0.12s)
Voting scenarios
Voted wallet with quorum should get content of treasury: OK (0.30s)
Voted wallets with no quorum should not get content of treasury: OK (0.17s)
All 7 tests passed (0.74s)
Test suite voting-dapp-test: PASS