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Enrico Rubboli edited this page Jul 27, 2023 · 13 revisions

Mintlayer Project Wiki

Welcome to the Mintlayer Project Wiki. This wiki is intended to provide detailed technical documentation for the Mintlayer core project.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Security Issues
  3. Bug Reporting
  4. Contributing
  5. Building


Mintlayer is a Layer 2 solution for Bitcoin, designed for issuing both fungible and non-fungible tokens that are directly interoperable with the Bitcoin network. Mintlayer is a PoS blockchain, transactions are non Turing-complete and based on UTXOs (Unspent Transaction Outputs).

For a more technical introduction to Mintlayer, visit our docs.

Security Issues

If you find an issue related to the security of Mintlayer, please contact us at [email protected] so we can address the issue. Mintlayer has a bug bounty program, so if your security issue is valid, you are eligible for a reward paid in MLT. Do not disclose the security issue publicly until the core Mintlayer team has agreed the issue can be disclosed. See for more info.

Bug Reporting

Non-security related bugs should be opened as issues in the core Mintlayer repo. Give as much detail as possible. If you want to fix a bug, then see our guidelines for contributing.


Interested in contributing to the Mintlayer project? See this guide for more information.


To build the project, install Rust (instructions in the contributing guide), then use cargo build to build and cargo test to run the tests.

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