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Mintlayer Command Line Options

Enrico Rubboli edited this page Aug 20, 2023 · 2 revisions

The wallet-cli command provides a variety of options to customize its behavior. This guide provides a brief overview of each option.


wallet-cli [OPTIONS]


  • --network <NETWORK>: Specifies the network to use.

    • Default: testnet
    • Possible values: mainnet, testnet, regtest, signet
  • --wallet-file <WALLET_FILE>: Optional path to the wallet file.

  • --start-staking: Start staking after the start.

  • --rpc-address <RPC_ADDRESS>: Optional RPC address.

  • --rpc-cookie-file <RPC_COOKIE_FILE>: Path to the RPC cookie file. If not set, the value is read from the default cookie file location.

  • --rpc-username <RPC_USERNAME>: RPC username. Note: Either provide a username and password, or use a cookie file. You cannot use both.

  • --rpc-password <RPC_PASSWORD>: RPC password. Note: Either provide a username and password, or use a cookie file. You cannot use both.

  • --commands-file <COMMANDS_FILE>: Run commands from the file.

  • --history-file <HISTORY_FILE>: Preserve history file between application runs. This can be very insecure, use at your own risk!

  • --exit-on-error <EXIT_ON_ERROR>: Exit on error. The default is true in non-interactive mode and false in interactive mode.

    • Possible values: true, false
  • --vi-mode: Enables vi input mode.

  • -h, --help: Print help information.

For more detailed explanations and examples, refer to the official Mintlayer documentation.

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