A Lograge extensions for Rails
Rails middleware for Lograge with support to log exceptions from Rails and ActiveJobs.
- Rails exceptions with more information than pure Lograge. You can add custom fields, which will be logged on exception (user, IP, full exception backtrace etc.).
- Exceptions occurred during running jobs on ActiveJob (Rails 4.2+)
Add line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'rails' # minimal version is 4.0
gem 'lograge'
gem 'lograge_rails_middleware'
Now, gem should catch all exceptions thrown by Rails and save it to Lograge.
Please remember about Lograge configuration.
You can configure additional fields, which will be logged for every exception.
# config/initializers/lograge_middleware.rb
Rails.configuration.tap do |config|
config.rails_lograge_middleware.custom_options = lambda do |exception, env, request|
# Example of logging remote IP, request ID, params and current logged user
# == Parameters:
# exception:
# Occurred exception
# env:
# Environment variables hash with request data
# request:
# Request sent to application wrapped in Rack::Request
# == Returns:
# Hash with elements to write to log
controller = env['action_controller.instance'] # current Rails controller
user = controller.try(:current_user) # we try to get current logged user
options = {
remote_ip: request.ip,
request_id: env['action_dispatch.request_id'],
# we reject controller and action, because gem log it already
params: request.params.reject { |key| %w(controller action utf8).include? key }.to_json
if user
options[:user_id] = user.try(:id)
options[:user_email] = user.try(:email)
config.rails_lograge_middleware.active_job_custom_options = lambda do |exception, job|
# Examples of logging ActiveJob arguments
# == Parameters:
# exception:
# Occurred exception
# job:
# ActiveJob instance, which crashed
# == Returns:
# Hash with elements to write to log
options = {
arguments: job.arguments
- 1.1.0 - Added ActiveJob exceptions logging
- 1.0.0 - Initial version with requests exception logging