This is a little work in progress project I'm using to fine tune some subtleties in the PivotalWeather UI.
- Favorites! - The options page now allows you to save up to twelve (12) favorites. To use, create a Group name, create a name for your favorite, then copy/paste the full URL in from your favorite configuration page.
- none
- Remove the Step Time "hover links" above the slider, so you don't accidently mouse over and jump away from the spot you want
- Change the slider behavior so when you let go, it loses focus. Currently the slider "button" stays in focus and when you use arrows or scroll on the page, the slider will move. Workaround, you have to click away from the slider each time. This feature removes the workaround.
- Choose which Models show in the Menu (can speed up hiding menu if you accidentally hover over it)
- Colorize 00z steps in the grid
- Options page to turn features on/off
Ideas/Features requests are tracked under "Issues" tab with tag:
Bugs are tracked under "Issues" tab with tag:
- Download the all of the files as Zip
- Unzip the folder and move it somewhere on your hard drive where it can live permanently (i.e. don't delete after you load the extension)
- Confirm/Name folder to "PWSimply"
- From the Chrome menu, select Extensions > Manage Extensions
- On the Extensions page, ensure Developer Mode is selected in upper right
- Choose "Load unpacked"
- Select the "PWSimply" folder
- Configure your options under the extension menu
Now go visit PivotalWeather and see the changes!
CONFIGURE OPTIONS Click the three dots next to PW Simplify and choose Options. (to view extensions that aren't pinned, click the puzzle icon in upper left)
- From the Chrome menu, select Extensions > Manage Extensions
- Find "PW Simplify x.xx"
- Either disable via toggle OR click Remove