This node extension allows miner to automate payouts for its lessors and to receive notifications about mining progress.
The extension assumes that you're using the v1.1.7 node (or which is specified in the extension version).
If your node is installed from .deb
- download
package of the extension and install it with the following commands:
sudo dpkg -i node-tools_1.1.7-0.5.3.deb
- add to
waves.extensions += "im.mak.nodetools.NodeToolsExtension"
node-tools {
webhook {
url = "SPECIFY YOUR ENDPOINT" # example: ""
method = "POST"
headers = [] # example: [ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==" ]
body = "%s" # example for Integram: """{"text":"%s"}"""
- restart the node:
sudo systemctl restart waves
If the node starts up successfully, you will receive a log message and a notification about it.
Payout is disabled by default. To enable, add to local.conf
node-tools {
payout {
enable = yes
from-height = 123456789 # starting at what height to pay lessors
interval = 10000 # how often (in blocks) to pay
delay = 2000 # delay in blocks after the interval until payout
percent = 50 # which amount of mined Waves to payout for lessors
The extension writes information about all mined blocks and payouts into local database, stored in /var/lib/waves
For each interval it calculates contribution of each lessor to the generating balance and register to the database future payments for each lessor proportionally.
Before payment, a delay is used in case the node is forked or some other unforeseen event occurs.
If any payments were not made at the appointed time, then this extension will try to execute them even if the node restarts or rolls back no further than the interval.
Important: do not lose the database file, otherwise you will lose information about all payments made and planned!
The extension can notify you about some events related to block generation.
By default the extension writes notifications to the node log file. In addition, you can specify any http endpoint for notifications.
For example, you can use Telegram bot from team (add this bot and read its welcome message).
You can read the full list of properties in the reference.conf.
The extension notifies you about reward of each block it has generated.
Other types of notifications can be enabled in conf file:
node-tools {
notifications {
start-stop = yes
waves-received = yes
leasing = yes
mined-block = yes
block-url = ""
When the node starts, it sends message why the node will not generate blocks:
- if mining disabled in config
- a generating balance is less than 1000 Waves
- the miner account has a smart contract
Also it sends notification if the node was stopped.
If the Node address receives some Waves.
If leased volume is changed.
If the node generated a block.
When the extension sends message about mined block, it provides url to this block. By default it's url to the Waves Explorer for Mainnet.
You can change this url to yor own in the block-url
field. For example:
- Explorer for Testnet
- REST API for Mainnet
- REST API of your local node (if enabled)
The extension stores information about all payouts in the local database by default. Default settings:
node-tools {
db {
path = ${user.home}/node-tools/data
path = ${?WAVES_MNEXT_DB}
ctx {
dataSourceClassName = org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource
dataSource.url = "jdbc:h2:file:"${node-tools.db.path}";INIT=RUNSCRIPT FROM 'classpath:mnext-init.sql'"
dataSource.user = sa
By default, you can find this file in the /var/lib/waves/node-tools
sudo apt remove node-tools
sudo dpkg -i node-tools_1.1.7-0.5.3.deb
These commands remove only binaries of this extension. Database with payouts information will be kept.