Simple tool written in Go to manage OpenLDAP users and groups
The script is based on a certain LDAP settings
- OpenLDAP
- the memberOf ldap plugin
- the SSH schema
- the SUDO schema
- password length and use of special charachter is in the config file
- the config file is toml formatted
- Runs on OSX or Linux (Ubuntu 20.04 or newer)
Using an UI interface such a phpLDAPadmin is not always possible, and so I decide to build this tools. Orignally it was written in bash using the ldap CLI's and then in Python, but it was not always working on someone else's laptop do the specific command (bash) or module (Python), so I decided to write it in Go
The script to be able manage OpenLDAP users and groups:
- add, modify, search and delete an user or a group
- if the admin define is an user, it will be able to get the user's record (search) and modify the user's password (modify)
usage: ldap-tool [-h|--help] [-c|--configFile "<value>"] [-s|--server
"<value>"] [-C|--command (create|modify|delete|search)]
[-d|--debug] [-i|--info] [-v|--version]
Simple script to manage LDAP users, groups and SUDO rules
-h --help Print help information
-c --configFile Path to the configuration file to be use. Default:
-s --server Server profile name. Default: default
-C --command commands: search, create,
modify, delete. Default: search
-d --debug Enable debug. Default: false
-i --info Show information
-v --version Show version
To build the code into a single binary as simple as
go build ldap-tools.go
If everything is well, then this will produce a binary called ldap-tools
To run the code
go run ldap-tools.go -c <your-config-file> -C <command>
- redis for delete of user only
- start : add key in redis
- end : delete key in redis
- safe guard : run a crontab that will GET KEYS then for every KEY, delete the user in ldap and DEL KEY in redis once the user has been deleted so in case one loses the network connection, we have a safe guard that the user will be deleted
- if redis it not available write the key on disk ?
let me know your request 👻 and I might add it 😎
Your friendly BOFH 🦄 😈