This Jupyter notebook aims to evaluate a Customer churn dataset, its triggers and the main features which impact in customer churn in a telecommunications provider.
The Python version was updated to Python 3.8.5 here. And other modules and functions were used like: -sklearn.preprocessing > MinMaxScaler -sklearn.linear_model > LogisticRegression -sklearn.model_selection > train_test_split -sklearn.metrics > confusion_matrix -seaborn -awswrangler
The dataset for this project can be downloaded after installing Kaggle API ( To download the Customer-churn-dataset-2020 the following bash command has to be written: "Kaggle competitions download -c customer-churn-prediction-2020" The link for this Kaggle competition with the data description can be found bellow in Acnowledgments.
This project is part of a selective process of Clin/Devexo data scientist position. The challenge was given to solve a Kaggle competion from 2020. The goal was to implement and visualize stats and inferences from the customer churn dataset of a telecom provider in USA.
Methodology - CRISP-DM: The followed steps were used to infer the answer the proposed problem of churn in the Kaggle dataset proposed by Clin/Devexo company to its selective process.
1. Business Understanding:
Why people from this telecom provider churns?
Is there some state influence in churn?
What are the main feature of influence?
2. Data Undertanding:
Data of customer churn from a USA telecom provider.
3. Data preparation:
Evaluation of features to drop, add or prepare the data to answer the above questions.
4. Prediction Model
It was used a Logistical Regression model. This part is still being implemented.
5. Model Evaluation
This part is still being implemented.
The results obtined untill now showed that the disbalanced training datased probabily resulted in a model with overfitting. Future implementations and balancing of the data will be done to improve the model building.
I would like to thank to Kaggle for providing the dataset used in this project and it can be originally find in a Kaggle 2020 competition here. And I also would like to thanks to Clin/Devexo for this challenging oppotunity.