modeled-mobx is a lightweight layer on top of MobX 6 to easily serialize and hydrate javascript classes to/from JSON
modeled-mobx replaces mobx's makeObservable
with a modelize
function. modelize
adds "field" and "model" properties to
configure the model's fields as observables that get and set their values when serialize
and hydrate
respectively are called.
It also includes a field
and model
decorator that can optionally be used instead of specifiying each property on the
options passed to modelize
import { modelize, field, model, hydrateModel, serialize, getParentOf } from 'modeled-mobx'
import { observable, computed } from 'mobx'
class Item {
name = ''
material = ''
get box() { return getParentOf<Box>(this) }
constructor() {
modelize(this, {
name: field,
material: observable,
// an example using decorators
export class Box {
@field width = 0;
@field height = 0;
@field depth = 0;
@observable serial: number = 0; // observable from mobx will be set by hydrate
// and initialized by modelize. It will not be serialized
@computed get volume() {
return this.width * this.height * this.depth;
@model(Item) items: Item[] = []; // note: this is an array of "item" models
@model(Item) defaultItem?: Item; // and this one is a single model
constructor() {
modelize(this) // individual fields do not need to be specified when using decorators
const box = hydrateModel(Box, {
width: 10, height: 10, depth: 10, serial: 1234,
items: [{ name: 'Box #1' }, { name: 'Box #2' }],
defaultItem: { name: 'Fruit' },
console.log(box.items[1].name, box.volume) // Box #2, 1000
console.log(box.items[1].box === box) // true
// {
// width: 10, height: 10, depth: 10,
// items: [{ name: 'Box #1' }, { name: 'Box #2' }],
// defaultItem: { name: 'Fruit' }
// }
When using Javascript decorators and uninitialized properties, Mobx may raise an exception: Cannot apply 'observable' to '<property name>': Field not found
. This is caused by an incorrect babel configuration. More info: #1
An exception will be raised if modelize is called with no properties and none are decorated.
class EmptyThing {
name = 'empty'
constructor() {
new EmptyThing() // raises "[MobX] No annotations were passed to makeObservable, but no decorated members have been found either"
There have been multiple bugs worked around in attempting to inherit from a modelized base class. It now seems to be working but there may still be lingering bugs. Please open issues if you note any weirdness.