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Third Person Template in Unreal.js

Stew Heckenberg edited this page Jun 12, 2017 · 2 revisions

Here is the Third Person Template rewritten in Unreal.js. The example is very close to Unreal C++ format. There are two files needed for this to work bootstrap.js and zThirdPerson.js. This code require game assets from ThirdPerson Blueprint template i.e. SK_Mannequin and animations.

I'll include the code below. I have a small post on Unreal forum with pictures how to install.


/// <reference path="typings/ue.d.ts">/>

 *  Author: Kiet Khong
 *  Version: UE4 style programming, 
 *  License: MIT, no warranty
 *  Description: This JavaScript file is to implement ThirdPerson Character similar to the engine game template.  
 *  Implement Details: 

//  "(function (global){your codes}) (this)" implement closure for zThirdPerson.js script.  
//  It is a cross between private variable and namespace in C++/C#---I think
//  More info at

(function (global) 
    //Disable some unsafe JavaScript programming practices. 
    //More info at
    "use strict"

    //create Third Person Character from base Character class
    class MyThirdPerson extends Character
            //example variables definitions (don't do anything ingame yet')
            this.MyTest /*EditAnywhere+int*/
            this.myArm /*EditAnywhere+SpringArmComponent*/
            this.myCamera /*EditAnywhere+CameraComponent*/

        //constructor for class (this is similar to c++ constructor). Very different from 'Blueprint Construction Script'
            //Set size for collision capsule
            this.CapsuleComponent.CapsuleRadius = 42.0
            this.CapsuleComponent.CapsuleHalfHeight = 96.0
            //this.CapsuleComponent.bVisible = true
            //this.CapsuleComponent.bHiddenInGame = false

            // Don't rotate when the controller rotates. Let that just affect the camera.
            this.bUseControllerRotationPitch = false
            this.bUseControllerRotationRoll = false
            this.bUseControllerRotationYaw = false

            // Configure character movement
            this.CharacterMovement.bOrientRotationToMovement = true // Character moves in the direction of input...
            this.CharacterMovement.RotationRate = Rotator.MakeRotator(0, 0, 540)
            this.CharacterMovement.JumpZVelocity = 600
            this.CharacterMovement.AirControl = 0.2
            // Create a camera boom (pulls in towards the player if there is a collision)
            let tempArm = SpringArmComponent.CreateDefaultSubobject("SpringArm")            
            //attach spring arm to character capsule.  Replace SetupAttachment()       
            tempArm.AttachParent = this.CapsuleComponent 
            // The camera follows at this distance behind the character
            tempArm.TargetArmLength = 300.0  
            // Rotate the arm based on the controller 
            tempArm.bUsePawnControlRotation = true        
            //assign spring arm to properties variable 'myArm' for use at runtime
            this.myArm = tempArm   

            //// Create a follow camera named 'TP_Camera'
            let tempCamera = CameraComponent.CreateDefaultSubobject("TP_Camera")  
            //attach 'TP_Camera' to spring arm
            tempCamera.AttachParent = this.myArm
            // Camera does not rotate relative to arm
            tempCamera.bUsePawnControlRotation = false 
            //assign camera to properties variable 'myCamera'
            this.myCamera = tempCamera                                   
            //We can load asset directly into JavaScript.  Can be positive or negative depend on your style
            //Load skeletal mesh and animation blueprint from ThirdPerson sample into JavaScript
            //Require assets from ThirdPerson template either Blueprint or C++ will do
            let SK_mesh = SkeletalMesh.Load('/Game/Mannequin/Character/Mesh/SK_Mannequin.SK_Mannequin')
            let ANI_AnimationBP = AnimBlueprint.Load('/Game/Mannequin/Animations/ThirdPerson_AnimBP.ThirdPerson_AnimBP').GeneratedClass

            //set character mesh to the SK_Mannequin

            //set animation class to ThirdPerson_AnimBP
           //rotate the skeletal mesh so it is facing front
            this.Mesh.RelativeRotation = Rotator.MakeRotator(0, 0, 270)

            //lower the skeletal mesh to the ground
            this.Mesh.RelativeLocation = Vector.MakeVector(0, 0, -96)


        //Event Begin Play
            //run any code from base Character class
            //debug message
            console.log("Begin Play")

            //----force the player controller to possess this pawn    
            //get the current player controller at index 0
            let myPlayerController = GWorld.GetPlayerController(0)

            //possess the MyThirdPerson character that just spawned

        //spawn new MyThirdPerson when press 't' key
        SpawnNewUnit() /*KeyBinding[t]*/
            console.log("Spawning new MyThirdPerson character")

            //define spawn location using vector
            let mySpawnLocation = Vector.MakeVector(0, 0, 200)

            //spawn the MyThirdPerson character.  Will fail if there is collision at spawn point
            let myChar = new MyThirdPerson_C(GWorld, mySpawnLocation)   


        //---Input binding start
        Turn(value /*float*/) /*AxisBinding[Turn, -bConsumeInput]*/
            //check if value is valid
            if (value)
                //console.log("Turn", value)
                //add Turn value to controller yaw input

        LookUp(value /*float*/) /*AxisBinding[LookUp, -bConsumeInput]*/
            if (value)
                //console.log("LookUp", value)
                //add LookUp value to controller pitch input

        MoveForward(value /*float*/) /*AxisBinding[MoveForward, -bConsumeInput]*/
            if (value)
                //console.log("MoveForward", value)
                //get pawn control rotation
                let tPawnRotator = this.GetControlRotation()

                //zero out roll and pitch, leaving yaw untouched
                tPawnRotator.Pitch = 0
                tPawnRotator.Roll = 0

                //find forward vector from rotation 
                let tForwardVector = tPawnRotator.GetForwardVector()
                //move pawn forward (value > 0) or backward(value < 0)
                this.AddMovementInput(tForwardVector, value, false)


        MoveRight(value /*float*/) /*AxisBinding[MoveRight, -bConsumeInput]*/
            if (value)
                //console.log("MoveRight", value)
                //get pawn control rotation
                let tPawnRotator = this.GetControlRotation()

                //zero out roll and pitch, leaving yaw untouched
                tPawnRotator.Pitch = 0
                tPawnRotator.Roll = 0

                //find right vector from rotation
                let tRightVector = tPawnRotator.GetRightVector()

                //move pawn right (value > 0) or left (value < 0)
                this.AddMovementInput(tRightVector, value, false)

        startJump() /*ActionBinding[Jump,IE_Pressed]*/ 
            //execute Jump function from base Character class
            //console.log("Start Jump!!")

        stopJump() /*ActionBinding[Jump,IE_Released]*/ 
            //execute StopJumping function from base Character class
            //console.log("Stop Jump!!")
        //---Input binding end

    //compile MyThirdPerson class
    let MyThirdPerson_C = require('uclass')()(global, MyThirdPerson)

    //  1)hot reload code to run the game inside the editor
    //  2) run initial code 
    function hotReload_Init(){
            //define spawn location using vector
            let mySpawnLocation = Vector.MakeVector(0, 0, 200)

            //spawn the MyThirdPerson character.  Will fail if there is collision at spawn point
            //the MyThirdPerson character object will force possess the player controller in Event Begin Play
            let myChar = new MyThirdPerson_C(GWorld, mySpawnLocation)

    //clean up function for hot reload -- I don't really understand it'
    function hotReload_CleanUp()
        console.log("I am cleanup for live reload")

    // 1) bootstrap to initiate live-reloading dev env. 
    // 2) load required JavaScript files for normal operation
    // 3) run initial code in hotReload_Init
    // 4) REQUIRE bootstrap.js
        module.exports = () => 
            let cleanup = null

            // wait for map to be loaded. then run hotReload_Init() which spawn the MyThirdPerson character
            process.nextTick(() => cleanup = hotReload_Init());

            // live-reloadable function should return its cleanup function
            return () => hotReload_CleanUp()
    catch (e) 
        //if try code failed then load required JavaScript files


(function (global) {
    "use strict"

    module.exports = function (filename) {


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