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SoilTaxonomy 0.2.2

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@brownag brownag released this 18 Oct 17:10
· 66 commits to master since this release

SoilTaxonomy 0.2.2 (2022-10-17)

  • The order of dataset ST is now based on the full subgroup level code (#35). Partial codes corresponding to each level of the hierarchy are also included in columns: order_code, suborder_code, greatgroup_code and subgroup_code.
  • New function SoilTaxonomyLevels(): used for creating ordinal and nominal factors corresponding to taxonomic levels "order", "suborder", "greatgroup", and "subgroup" (#39).
  • New function SoilMoistureRegimeLevels() and SoilTemperatureRegimeLevels(): used for creating ordinal and nominal factors corresponding to Soil Moisture and Temperature Regimes (#34).
  • FormativeElements() can now take multiple level values, returning the formative elements found at each level combined in a single data.frame.
  • New function get_ST_formative_elements() a helper function for getting a data.frame containing descriptors of formative elements used at the specified level(s)
  • New function extractSMR(): utilizes order to subgroup formative elements to identify Soil Moisture Regimes from taxon names