Outcome.Experimental has had C representation support since the beginning, however it had
been mainly intended that C++ would originate Results, they would pass through C, and back
into C++. It hadn't really been expected that C would want to do much with Results other than
inspect them for happy or sad path.
It turns out there is more demand than expected for a more functional Result from within C,
so this release adds the power to create Results in success and two types of failure, semantic
comparison of Results, and printing of Result messages. You can also wrap a C enum into a
quick status code from enum, allowing easy custom C error coding from 100% within C.
The documentation for the C support has been updated
to reflect the new facilities.
Bug fixes:
- This was fixed in Standalone Outcome in the last release, but the fix came too late for Boost.Outcome
which ended up shipping with inline GDB pretty printers with the wrong escaping which caused
failure to load.
Use the 'all-sources' tarball below, NOT the github generated one which is missing dependencies: