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Directory structure

Duy Nguyen edited this page May 28, 2015 · 1 revision

/models/ - all of model classes in the Framework MVC pattern.

/modules/ - core class of each module and folder of controller,view.

/modules/admin/controllers/ - classes for controllers in Admin module.

/modules/common/controllers/ - classes for controllers in Common module.

/modules/mobile/controllers/ - classes for mobile redirect controllers in Mobile module.

/modules/admin/views/ - Each controller will have one folder of the same name with the controller, containing the corresponding .volt file for action of Admin module

/modules/common/views/ - Each controller will have one folder of the same name with the controller, containing the corresponding .volt file for action of Common module

/modules/mobile/views/ - Each controller will have one folder of the same name with the controller, containing the corresponding .volt file for action of Mobile module

/libs/Fly/ - core classes of Phalcon Jumpstart DevTool.

/libs/League/ - files manager library.

/libs/Phalcon/ - extra Phalcon library.

/libs/Whoops/ - exception handler library.

/conf/ - contain global config and permission of framework.

/cli/ - console environment of Phalcon Micro Application.

/cache/annotations/ - contain files of phalcon model annotations caching.

/cache/metadata/ - contain files of phalcon model metadata caching.

/cache/minified/ - caching files of css/js minifier library.

/cache/security/ - access control list serialize object caching.

/cache/volt/ - contains template files after they have been translated (.php) and saved by the mechanism of Volt Template Engine.

/language/en/admin/ - English language for Admin module.

/language/en/common/ - English language for Common module.

/logs/app/ - user custom log of webapp.

/logs/mig/ - sql query log of db migrate task.

/migration/ - contain JSON file using to create table structure & data from migrate task.

/public/css/ - contains the CSS file

/public/js/ - contains the javascript file

/public/images/ - contain images

/public/min/ - Library CSS/JS minify to minify CSS and JavaScript files, file configuration in /public/min/groupsConfig.php

/public/plugins/ - third party front-end library.

/public/uploads/ - contain the files uploaded by the system.

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