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Duy Nguyen edited this page May 28, 2015 · 1 revision

View Layer by Framework layer is the interface, display of the site. View Layer enables applications using the correct interface for the respective functions of the website.

To add a template file (.volt files), first need to determine whether the current Controller Module, so that put .volt file to the correct folder (/modules/{{MODULE_NAME}}/views/{{CONTROLLER_NAME}}/). or you can custom loading view layouts specified in each Module.php file placed in based modules directory.

$di['view']->setViewsDir(ROOT_PATH . '/modules/admin/views/');

Next to specify the name of the template file. The file name is usually the same name as the action is called and there is .volt extension. Example: Create a template for Create action into Product controller of Admin module , you should create a template file /modules/admin/views/product/create.volt

Example for default controller view template structure:

{% extends "layouts/main.volt" %}

{% block content %}
	Welcome to Phalcon Jumpstart DevTool
{% endblock %}
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