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Write Hello World App

Duy Nguyen edited this page May 28, 2015 · 1 revision

This page will guide you how to write application for the Front End Website (Common module).


Create a file called HelloWorldController.php and placed in the directory /modules/common/controllers with the following content:

namespace Controller\Common;

class HelloworldController extends \Fly\BaseController
	public funtion initialize()
	public function indexAction()
		$myApp = new \Model\HelloWorld();
		$hello = $myApp->getHello();
		$world = $myApp->getWorld();
		$this->tag->prependTitle('Hello World App');
			'helloworld' => $hello . ' ' . $world


Create a file called HelloWorld.php and placed in the directory /Models/ with the following content:

namespace Model;

class HelloWorld extends \Fly\BaseModel
	public $hello;
	public $world;
	public function initialize()
	public function getHello()
		return $this->hello;
	public function getWorld()
		return $this->world;


Create a folder /modules/common/views/default/helloworld and create file named index.volt in the folder you just created with content:

{% extends "layouts/main.volt" %}

{% block content %}
	{{ helloworld }}
{% endblock %}


Before running the HelloWorld App, you need to authorize one particular User group. If you see in the content of the file named Module.php placed in folder /modules/common/ one line look like below then Access Control List already opened and you must be grant a permission for that controller just created. If not, you can ignore this step.

$eventManager->attach('dispatch', new \Fly\Authorization('common'));

Examples here granted permission for group Guest can access a wealth helloworld controller and the index action. Open file named permission.php placed in /conf/ then add the following content:


 * Access Controll List (ACL) Config Variable for Core Framework
 * @var array
define('ROLE_GUEST', 1);
define('ROLE_ADMIN', 5);
define('ROLE_MOD', 10);
define('ROLE_MEMBER', 15);

return [
    ROLE_GUEST => [
        'Admin' => array (
        'Common' => array (
            'helloworld:*', //line added after create helloworld controller

If you already logged in as Administrator, you must add permissions for ROLE_ADMIN be able to access the helloworld app.

Now, you can access the functions you've written in the path http://localhost/phalcon-jumpstart/helloworld

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