- Implementation of idea similar to what is described in Scene representation networks (NeurIPS 2019).
- The model is capable of representing scenes as a funcitons of coordinates which implies continuity instead of discrete representations such as point clouds and voxelgrids.
- Hypernetworks have been used to predict weights of the model responsible for representing points latent space feature vectors.
- MLP network is used as a neural renderer for predictng colors from feature vectors.
- The paper describes a differentiable ray marching algorithm using lstm for predicting depth.
For package management install Anaconda and then to create and activate an environment :
conda create -n myenv
source activate myenv
Now all the packages required can be installed. Requirements are:
- Python 3.6 or greater
- Pytorch 1.14 or greater
- scipy
- matplotlib
- skimage
Requirements.txt file willl be uploaded soon .
Set teh desired values in comon.py file and after that in the command line:
python train.py
- A logger can also be used to save the logs into a txt file .
- Model will be saved in the specified directory
- Tensorboard logs will also be saved in the specified directory.
For visualising the tensorboard losses:
python -m tensorboard.main --logdir=[PATH_TO_LOGDIR]
test.py file will be uploaded soon for generating results using saved model weights and evaluating them.
Visualisations for novel view synthesis will also be uploaded soon along with few shot reconstruction.
- dataloader_srn.py : For loading the data as objects of a articula class of shapes.
- hypernetwork.py : Code for using hypernetworks to predict model weights taking latent feature vetcor of shape as input.
- geormetry.py : For 3D projections and related functions.
- comon.py : Hyperparameter values , path values and other parameter values.
- train.py : Contains the ocde for trianing the model.
- utils.py : Contains utility functions helpful during training and forward pass of the model.
- srns.py : Contains the complete code of the model.