Elixir resources for making and networking games.
A couple of these links were copied from Julius Beckmann's super comprehensive Awesome Elixir repo.
Note: Some libraries linked below may be unmaintained/incompatible with the latest versions of Elixir/Erlang/Phoenix -- always check repo Issues.
If you find libraries that do not work with the latest versions of Elixir/Erlang/Phoenix, please open an Issue on the appropriate repo so maintainers/repo surfers can tell :]
- Tanx: Tank multiplayer game developed by Elixir Seattle
- Rock-Paper-Scissors on Phoenix with GenServers + VueJS
- CardsNif: Example Elixir app with Rust NIFs
- Mines: Pure Elixir minesweeper clone for terminal
- UaiShot - Phaser + Phoenix Channels multiplayer space shooter with Asteroids-like physics
- Vim Snake: Phaser VimSnake clone using Phoenix
- Tankx Game (Phaser) | Tankx Server
- InVected: GlobalGameJam Game made using Unity + Phoenix 1.3
- Fenix: .NET Standard 2 implementation of Phoenix framework websockets protocol
- PhoenixSharp: C# Phoenix Channels Client
- MOBA: A community-made RPG built with LiveView
- PhoenixPhrenzy: LiveView Demo Contest (many games under Entries)
- Georacer
- Conway's Game of Life
- King of Tokyo boardgame companion
- GraphMath: a library for handling common 2D and 3D math operations
- Collidex: 2D geometry collision detection library in pure Elixir (last updated 4 years ago)
- Collision: a library for generating and working with polygon collisions, using the separating axis theorem (last updated 5 years ago)