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WireGuard VPN

Patrick Haney edited this page Feb 26, 2023 · 3 revisions

WireGuard is an extremely simple yet fast and modern VPN that utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography. It aims to be faster, simpler, leaner, and more useful than IPSec while avoiding the massive headache. It intends to be considerably more performant than OpenVPN.

With older versions of Raspbian you would need to install the necessary packages before WireGuard setup begins. If you're running the latest version of the Raspberry Pi OS, we can skip all this and go straight to the sudo apt install wireguard command (skip to Install WireGuard below). Otherwise, start here:

sudo apt install raspberrypi-kernel-headers libelf-dev libmnl-dev build-essential git

Next, install the Debian distribution keys (otherwise your apt update will fail further down the line):

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 7638D0442B90D010
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 04EE7237B7D453EC

Switch to root with sudo su and enter the next 2 commands per the Debian installation commands. since WireGuard is not included in the Raspbian distribution, we'll use the Debian one instead:

echo "deb unstable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unstable.list

Then we'll prevent our Raspberry Pi from using the Debian distribution for normal Raspbian packages:

printf 'Package: *\nPin: release a=unstable\nPin-Priority: 90\n' > /etc/apt/preferences.d/limit-unstable

Then exit root.

Update the package list:

sudo apt update

Then install dirmngr for handling certificates if it isn't already installed (use which dirmngr to check):

sudo apt install dirmngr

Install WireGuard

Now you can install the WireGuard package:

sudo apt install wireguard

And to enable IP forwarding, you'll need to uncomment the net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 line from your /etc/sysctl.conf file:

sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf

Or you can type the following command to handle this for you:

sudo perl -pi -e 's/#{1,}?net.ipv4.ip_forward ?= ?(0|1)/net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1/g' /etc/sysctl.conf

Finally, reboot your Raspberry Pi:

sudo reboot

After reboot, verify that IP forwarding is enabled by running:

sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward

You should see net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 as a result, otherwise add the above command to your /etc/sysctl.conf file.

Generate Private & Public Keys for WireGuard

In the next steps, we'll need to create private and public keys for both the WireGuard server as well as a VPN client. Once everything is set up, we can create additional keys for other clients to use the VPN as well.

I've found it easiest to first become root before running the commands below:

sudo su

Then switch to the directory where we'll store the WireGuard keys:

cd /etc/wireguard

If this directory doesn't exist, just run mkdir /etc/wireguard and then cd /etc/wireguard. Set permissions on the entire directory with the umask command so that only the root user can read or write data here:

umask 077

Next, generate the server’s private & public keys in a single command:

wg genkey | tee server_privatekey | wg pubkey > server_publickey

Then generate a client’s private & public keys:

wg genkey | tee peer1_privatekey | wg pubkey > peer1_publickey

To confirm the keys were generated and have the correct file permissions:

ls -la

which should display something similar to:

total 24
drwx------  2 root root 4096 Feb 26 13:28 .
drwxr-xr-x 91 root root 4096 Feb 26 13:26 ..
-rw-------  1 root root   45 Feb 26 13:28 peer1_privatekey
-rw-------  1 root root   45 Feb 26 13:28 peer1_publickey
-rw-------  1 root root   45 Feb 26 13:28 server_privatekey
-rw-------  1 root root   45 Feb 26 13:28 server_publickey

Finally, output your new WireGuard keys to the console and save them (somewhere safe, otherwise be sure and delete them when we're done here) for the next steps:

cat server_privatekey
cat server_publickey
cat peer1_privatekey
cat peer1_publickey

Lastly, exit root before continuing.

Configure WireGuard Server

Create and edit the WireGuard configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf

and replace the contents with the WireGuard wg0.conf from this repository.

WireGuard Configuration File

Configuration Details

This is the WireGuard interface, which will create a virtual subnet of and assign itself an internal IP address of You can change this if you'd like, but you'll also need to change the internal IP of VPN clients as well.

Address =

The default port for WireGuard, which you can change if you'd like. You'll also need to open up this port on your router, otherwise incoming VPN traffic from outside your network will not make it to WireGuard. Information on how to do this is later in the guide.

# Default WireGuard port, change to anything that doesn’t conflict
ListenPort = 51820

Note: Some public wifi networks will block all ports other than 80 (TCP), 443 (TCP), and 53 (UDP) for HTTP, HTTPS, and DNS respectively. If you are connected to a public wifi network that does this, you will not be able to connect to your WireGuard VPN. One way around this is to set your WireGuard ListenPort to 53 and create a forward on your network's router on port 53, thus circumventing the issue with blocked ports. Do this at your own risk, and definitely, do not enable Pi-hole's Listen on all interfaces, permit all origins DNS option if you are forwarding port 53 on your router.

Replace 192.168.x.x with the static IP address of your Raspberry Pi:

DNS = 192.168.x.x

Replace <server_privatekey> with the output of your cat server_privatekey command earlier:

PrivateKey = <server_privatekey>

We're using eth0 here when the Raspberry Pi is connected over ethernet (wired), but you can replace both instances with wlan0 if your Raspberry Pi is connected via wifi (wireless):

PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -A FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -D FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
Setup WireGuard Client Connections

The next section of the WireGuard configuration file is for clients that connect to the VPN. For each client (device), you'll need to add another [Peer] section here and also create a separate client configuration file (details for that are next).

Replace <peer1_publickey> with the output of your cat peer1_publickey command earlier:

# Peer 1
PublicKey = <peer1_publickey>

Using the virtual subnet created by WireGuard, give this device an internal IP address of

AllowedIPs =

Once your WireGuard configuration file is complete, exit the nano editor and save your changes.

Configure a WireGuard Client

Now that WireGuard is configured, we'll need to create a client configuration file for each VPN client we want to connect to the network. First, create and edit your first client configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/wireguard/peer1.conf

and replace the contents with the WireGuard client peer1.conf from this repository.

Configuration Details

Use the same virtual IP address that you used in the wg0.conf file earlier for this client:

Address =

Replace 192.168.x.x with the static IP address of your Raspberry Pi:

DNS = 192.168.x.x

Replace <peer1_privatekey> with the output of your cat peer1_privatekey command earlier:

PrivateKey = <peer1_privatekey>

Replace <server_publickey> with the output of your cat server_publickey command earlier:

PublicKey = <server_publickey>

The Endpoint here refers to the public IP address and port number for incoming traffic to your network's router from the outside world. This is necessary so that devices outside your network know where to go to connect to your internal network's VPN. Your public IP address is available by visiting IP Leak, and the ListenPort should be set to the same port you set in your WireGuard's wg0.conf file (the default port is 51820).

So you can edit this line:

Endpoint = YOUR-PUBLIC-IP/DDNS:ListenPort

To include your public IP address and the WireGuard port you set previously:

Endpoint =

For this use case, we're using a full tunnel rather than a split tunnel (which allows some network traffic to come through outside of the VPN).

# For full tunnel use, ::/0 and for split tunnel use
# or whatever your router’s subnet is
AllowedIPs =, ::/0

Exit the nano editor and save the configuration file.

Optional: Setup Dynamic DNS for Your Public IP address

If your ISP does not provide you with a static IP address (most don’t), and your IP changes for some reason (cable modem reboot, connectivity issues, etc.), your home network may be unreachable from the outside until you update it in your configuration files. The solution is to use a DDNS (Dynamic DNS) service where you choose a readable domain name and can automatically notify the service when your public IP address changes.

So instead of worry about whether your public IP address is or, you can instead point a domain name like at your public IP address and have the DDNS service update the domain record when your public IP address changes.

There are plenty of DDNS services out there, but I’m using’s Free DNS service because it doesn’t nag you to login every 30 days, even on the completely free plan (it does however mark your account as "dormant" after 6 months without a login, but it's easy to resume your account without upgrading).

Get a Free DNS Subdomain

First, create a Free DNS account at

After account creation, verify your account using the link you’ll receive in your email. Then go to the Subdomains page, click Add a subdomain. Enter a Subdomain (a username, your name, company name, etc.) and choose a Domain (there are many to choose from besides what’s listed, follow the instructions to find the rest). Leave Type set to an A record, TTL is set to 3600 for free accounts, and Wildcard functionality is only for paid accounts.

Free DNS Add Subdomain

Your public IP address should be automatically filled in, but you can visit IP Leak in a browser to get your public IP address if you need to.

Enter the CAPTCHA text and hit Save to continue. You should now have a shiny new subdomain pointing to your network’s public IP address!

Automatically Update Your Public IP Address

Having a domain name pointed to your public IP address is useless if that IP address changes in the future, which is why DDNS services exist in the first place. We'll need to update our Free DNS record if our network's public IP address changes, which is fairly simple to do.

While logged in at Free DNS, go to the Dynamic DNS page and look for your new subdomain record. If you're using version 2 of the Dynamic Update Interface, you'll need to enable Dynamic DNS for your new subdomain first.

Enable Dynamic DNS

Once enabled, copy the URL associated with your subdomain record. We'll use this to update your subdomain record directly from the Raspberry Pi.

Free DNS Domain Record

On the Raspberry Pi, create a cronjob with:

crontab -e

and choose an editor (nano is usually the default). In this default crontab file, add the following to a new line:

*/15 * * * * curl

Replacing the XXXXXXXXX with the unique identifier in your custom URL. You can change the timing from 15 minutes to 5 minutes (or whatever you'd like) by adjusting the */15 * * * * part to */5 * * * *. Then save the crontab file and exit nano.

Verify that you’ve added the cronjob correctly with:

crontab -l

Once you've finished, restart the cron service with:

sudo service cron restart

Now your DDNS subdomain will always point to the correct public IP address of your network, and VPN clients will be able to reach your network remotely regardless of whether your public IP address changes.

Using a Dynamic Subdomain Instead of a Public IP address

Go back to your WireGuard client configuration file and use your new DDNS subdomain with the ListenPort you set earlier and never worry about your public IP address changing! In the /etc/wireguard/peer1.conf file, edit the Endpoint:

Endpoint =

using the subdomain/domain you chose on Free DNS and the ListenPort you set in your /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf file.

Setting Up Your Phone to Use the VPN

Unlike IPSec or IKEv2, WireGuard isn’t built into the Android or iOS operating system (yet), so you’ll have to download the WireGuard app to each device to connect to your VPN. Here are some of the VPN clients available:

Export Client Configuration with a QR Code

Rather than manually enter all the WireGuard configuration details into your phone, we can create a QR code directly on the Raspberry Pi console that your phone's native WireGuard app can scan and automatically fill out the details for you.

First, install the QR encoder on the Raspberry Pi:

sudo apt install qrencode

Become the root user in order to read the WireGuard client config:

sudo su

Create a QR code from the VPN client configuration we set up earlier:

qrencode -t ansiutf8 < /etc/wireguard/peer1.conf

Note: You may have to adjust the size of your terminal/console window to properly show the QR code generated

Then exit to return to your pi user.

Import Client Configuration Using the QR Code

Open the WireGuard app on your phone, tap Add a tunnel and select the Create from QR code option. Scan the QR code with your phone’s camera, give the tunnel a name, and allow WireGuard to add VPN configurations to your phone's operating system.

Now you can enable or disable VPN access directly through the WireGuard app!

Finish WireGuard Installation

On your Raspberry Pi, there are a few more steps needed to complete the setup of the WireGuard VPN. First, allow WireGuard to start on boot:

sudo systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0

Set the correct permissions on the WireGuard configuration file with:

sudo chown -R root:root /etc/wireguard/
sudo chmod -R og-rwx /etc/wireguard/

On your Pi-hole Web Interface, go to Settings > DNS and choose the Listen on all interfaces, permit all origins option under Interface listening behavior, then save your settings.

Start WireGuard now with:

sudo wg-quick up wg0

To check and see if the WireGuard interface was created successfully:

ifconfig wg0

You should see that internal IP address we created in the wg0.conf file, along with some other flags.

Restart your Raspberry Pi with:

sudo reboot

Once the Raspberry Pi is done booting, check if WireGuard working:

sudo wg

You should see interface wg0 and a peer:

interface: wg0
  private key: (hidden)
  listening port: 51820

  allowed ips:

Open WireGuard VPN Port on Your Router

Without this step, you will not be able to reach your VPN from outside of the network. None of the write-ups I found mentioned this step, most likely assuming you would already know to do this (I didn't).

In order to reach your VPN from outside your network, you'll have to set up a UDP-specific port forward on your network's router that passes traffic on that port to an internal IP address of your choosing. Generally speaking, this might look like:

Description: WireGuard VPN
Public UDP Ports: 51820
Private IP Address: 192.168.x.x
Private UDP Ports: 51820

Where 192.168.x.x is the internal static IP address of the Raspberry Pi running WireGuard, and 51820 is whatever you set the ListenPort to in your /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf file. Each router has different settings available, but in the Eero settings it looks like this for my Raspberry Pi's static IP:

Eero Port Forwarding

Note: We're passing only UDP traffic on this port, as WireGuard uses UDP and not TCP.

Once you've added this port forwarding on your network's router, restart the device and now you should be able to connect to your WireGuard VPN from outside your network and enjoy the benefits of network-level ad-blocking from anywhere, at any time!

Checking for a DNS Leak

When connected to your VPN from outside the network, you can check to see if there are any leaks in your DNS lookups using the DNS Leak Test service.


There are several write-ups out there on how to do this, as well as install scripts to do it for you. Since the Raspberry Pi was meant to be a learning tool, I used this opportunity to figure things out on my own with the help of documentation from both software creators and the community. If it weren't for the latter, I doubt I would've been able to do this on my own. Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to share their knowledge, and experience, in setting up a Raspberry Pi.