TUGRAZonline is an instance of CAMPUSonline which is used for campus data management.
When you are organizing exams using this system, you might be interested in deriving randomized seating plans. This is for you :-)
(status of this output: 2018-02-25)
./GenerateSeatingPlan.py --help
Usage: GenerateSeatingPlan.py --lr KNOWN_ROOM STUDENTS.csv GenerateSeatingPlan.py takes a CAMPUSonline CSV file including the students attending an exam and generates a randomized seating plan for a specific lecture room. Several things can be manipulated according to your needs. :URL: https://github.com/novoid/GenerateSeatingplan.py :copyright: (c) 2010 and later by Karl Voit <[email protected]> :license: GPL v2 or any later version :bugreports: https://github.com/novoid/GenerateSeatingplan.py/issues Run GenerateSeatingPlan.py --help for usage hints Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c FILE, --csvfile=FILE CSV file of students in CAMPUSonline format. You can add columns but original header line is required. --lr=NAME, --lecture-room=NAME the short name of a known lecture room. so far, following lecture rooms are supported: HS_i1 HS_i7 HS_i11 HS_i12 HS_i13 HS_i14 HS_A HS_B HS_D HS_G HS_H HS_P1 HS_VI HS_I test1 --sa=INT, --students_adjoined=INT that many students are sitting right beneath each other before the next empty seat(s) --ra=INT, --filled_rows_adjoined=INT that many rows are being filled with students before the next empty row(s) --fs=INT, --free_seats_to_separate=INT that many seats are empty before the next student sits --fr=INT, --free_rows_to_separate=INT that many rows are empty before the next row is filled -s FLOAT, --seed=FLOAT sets random seed for shuffling students (default 0.0) -p, --pdf generates a PDF file with alphabetical student names and seating (requires pdflatex with savetrees, longtable, hyperref, and KOMA) -t, --table generates a seating plan in (HTML) table format. -u, --tableturn Writes the table upside down (view for lecturer). Might not work with all browsers. -v, --verbose enable verbose mode -q, --quiet do not output anything but just errors on console --checklist creates a list of students orderd by seat --fff fills students to free seats beginning with the front row