A python module to help create predictable command line tools for python >= 2.6 and 3.x
pycli_tools is a python module that wraps the ArgumentParser class from the build-in argparse module.
If you use it in your command line scripts you will get some defaults options added to your application such as --verbose and --quiet to control the verbosity of your application (using the python logging module).
Also there is the --config option that gives you the ability to read command line arguments from a configuration file to save users of your application a lot of typing (e.g. ~/.myapprc).
The easiest way is to install using pip:
$ pip install pycli_tools
Read the documentation for alternative ways of installing.
To create a myapp command that reads its default configuration from ~/.myapprc do this:
from pycli_tools.parsers import get_argparser
parser = get_argparser(prog='myapp', default_config='~/.myapprc')
args = parser.parse_args()
The file ~/.myapprc can contain the following:
database = /some/path/to/my/database.sqlite
Read the documentation to see how to use pycli_tools.
Read the full documentation here.