webstore is a RESTful data store for tabular and table-like data. It can be used as a dynamic storage for table data, allowing filtered, partial or full retrieval and format conversion.
Documentation on the API is in doc/index.rst
and on Read The Docs
The API is build around a standard, simple RESTful JSON core so using it is just a couple of lines from most languages. Nevertheless, for additional convenience client libraries are available. Currently there is:
Install the code and requirements (you may wish to create a virtualenv first):
pip install webstore # OR: if you want to install from source git clone https://github.com/okfn/webstore cd webstore pip install -e .
[Optional] Add to or override the default settings by copying the provided template (in webstore/default_settings.py):
cp settings_local.py.tmpl settings_local.py
Alternatively, if you want your config elsewhere or with different name:
cp settings_local.py.tmpl {/my/config/file/somewhere} export WEBSTORE_SETTINGS={/my/config/file/somewhere}
Run the web server:
python webstore/web.py
Run tests:
python test/test_rest.py
This will vary from system to system but here are some tips. Basic setup is as for installation.
Sample WSGI file:
import os, sys sys.stdout = sys.stderr os.environ['WEBSTORE_SETTINGS'] = '/path/to/settings.py' # this assumes you have installed into virtualenv instance_dir = '/path/to/virtualenv' pyenv_bin_dir = os.path.join(instance_dir, 'bin') activate_this = os.path.join(pyenv_bin_dir, 'activate_this.py') execfile(activate_this, dict(__file__=activate_this)) from webstore.web import app as application
Database directory: in your settings you will have specified a database directory. Make sure this is readable and writable by the web server user.
Apache modwsgi config. If you use modwsgi ensure you have:
WSGIPassAuthorization On
This is discussed further in the docs but we note here that settings_local.py.tmpl provides standard authentication setup plus example on how to connect to a CKAN instance.