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🎴 Cardian

Yu-Gi-Oh! Paper, Master Duel and Duel Links Discord Bot

Fetches data from the YGOPRODeck and Master Duel Meta APIs

Get the bot from the new Discord app directory!

Discord App Directory



  • Autocompletion
    • Card suggestions with fuzzy searching
  • Card info
    • different formats using the format: option
    • remembers the last used option as default
  • High quality art
  • Add card info to messages with <card name>s via right click

Docker container

🚨 The ongoing development made the bot reliant on other services that I host, which makes self hosting not a great option.

Create a Discord application and get the bot token. (More info here)

Run the container with this command:

docker pull
docker run -e CARDIAN_TOKEN=<your-bot-token> BONK_URL=<bonk-url> okkdev/cardian --name cardian

To deploy the application commands run this command once:

docker exec cardian /app/bin/cardian rpc "Cardian.Interactions.deploy_commands()"

🚨 It can take up to 1h to register application commands

🚨 Emotes are currently hardcoded and will probably stop working

Environment variables

  • BONK_URL: This is the URL for the bonk microservice which returns the whitelist of users that donated on kofi, used for the OCG art command
  • CARDIAN_TOKEN: Discord bot token
  • CARDIAN_UPDATE_INTERVAL: Card cache update interval in minutes. Default: 120


  1. Install dependencies:
mix deps.get
  1. Set env vars.

  2. Run the app:

mix run --no-halt
# or
iex -S mix