OpenAFS Container Storage Interface
(CSI) driver allows OpenAFS to
be used as persistent storage for stateful application running in Kubernetes
clusters. Through this CSI Driver, Kubernetes persistent volumes (PVs) can
be provisioned from OpenAFS. Thus, containers can be used with stateful
microservices, such as database applications (MongoDB, PostgreSQL etc), web
servers (nginx, apache), or any number of other containerized applications
needing provisioned storage.
==> It takes care of starting/stopping of driver and reconcile it during faliures.Static provisioning
==> Ability to use existing volumes/directories as persistent volumes.Dynamic provisioning
==> Ability to create persistent volume dynamically.
OpenAFS client should be installed on all worker nodes.
- For OpenShift environment
- In OpenShift environment all worker nodes are RHCOS which is kind of immutable OS. To install OpenAFS client on worker nodes we can use kmod-via-container framework, kindly follow steps mentioned at kvc-openafs-kmod
- For OpenShift environment
Supported Container Orchastrators (CO)
Kubernetes >= 1.18 OpenShift 4.7
currently we have tested driver on x86_64
- golang version > 1.14
- operator-sdk version = v0.15.2
- download operator-sdk here
- mv operator-sdk-v0.15.2-x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/local/bin/operator-sdk
- chmod +x /usr/local/bin/operator-sdk
Consider the workspace e.g. /vicepa/CSI/src (we can select our own workspace), export GOROOT and GOPATH as below
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go (installed go path) export GOPATH=/vicepa/CSI/
cd to /vicepa/CSI/src and clone openafs-csi-driver repository
cd /vicepa/CSI/src git clone [email protected]:openafs-contrib/openafs-csi-driver.git
cd to /vicepa/CSI/src/openafs-csi-driver and run
command. This will build openafscsi plugin binary. -
To create a docker image we need RHEL subscription (since we use image).
In OpenShift environment, subscription is taken from host itself, however in case it is not taken from host we need to uncomment below lines in Dockerfile.
#ARG SUBS_USER #ARG SUBS_PASS #RUN subscription-manager register --username ${SUBS_USER} --password ${SUBS_PASS} --auto-attach
On systems where subscription is not taken from host and if we are using ubi8 image then we need to uncomment below lines in Dockerfile
#ARG SUBS_USER #ARG SUBS_PASS #RUN subscription-manager register --username ${SUBS_USER} --password ${SUBS_PASS} --auto-attach
If we are using subscription-manager then we need to pass SUBS_USER and SUBS_PASS as build-args to docker build as mentioned in step 7
Inside Dockerfile, we clone OpenAFS master branch, so we need to get ssh private key from host. Hence copy ~/.ssh/id_rsa to /vicepa/CSI/src/openafs-csi-driver.
In case git clone for openafs repository does not work, follow below steps
- clone the openafs repository ([email protected]:openafs/openafs.git) on host
- copy openafs master repository source to /vicepa/CSI/src/openafs-csi-driver
- In Dockerfile, comment lines for git clone, id_rsa and ssh.
- uncomment 'COPY openafs openafs'
Now build a docker image
With subscription-manager inside container
docker build --build-arg SUBS_USER=<username> --build-arg SUBS_PASS=<password> -topenafcsiplugin:latest .
Without subscription-manager:
docker build -topenafcsiplugin:latest .
- Once
image is created, save the image in tar format and copy it on all worker nodesdocker save openafcsiplugin:latest -o openafcsiplugin.tar
- On all worker nodes load the image as below
docker load < openafcsiplugin.tar
Go inside operator directory openafs-csi-driver/operator/src/openafs-csi-operator
export GOPATH to openafs-csi-driver/operator, in our example it will be
export GOPATH=/vicepa/CSI/src/openafs-csi-driver/operator
Build k8s api for operator
operator-sdk generate k8s
Build openafs operator image. Below step will create
image.operator-sdk build openafsoperator
image, copy and load it on all worker nodes using docker save/load commands as mentioned in step 8-9 of driver image.
Once images for driver and operator are installed on all worker nodes, go to openafs-csi-driver/deploy directory.
To install a plugin, we need to have ThisCell, CellServDB and krb5.conf cell files for which driver will take tokens and create volumes.
For OpenShift environment make below changes before running
- In openafs-csi-driver/deploy/CSI-Deploy/deploy/operator.yaml file, change image to
image: localhost/openafsoperator:latest
- In openafs-csi-driver/deploy/CSI-Deploy/deploy/crds/openafscsi_cr.yaml file, change pluginImage to
pluginImage: localhost/openafscsiplugin:latest
- In openafs-csi-driver/deploy/CSI-Deploy/deploy/crds/openafscsi_cr.yaml file, change afsMount to
afsMount: /var/afs
- In openafs-csi-driver/deploy/CSI-Deploy/deploy/operator.yaml file, change image to
Note: In case of using the registry, use the registry location for plugin and operator images
Run as below,
./ -c <ThisCell location> -d <CellServDB location> -k <krb5.conf location> -n openafs
Here, '-n openafs' is for installing driver in "openafs" namespace.
Verify by checking pods in "openafs" namespace. (For successful installation, make sure attacher and provisioner statefulsets are READY.)
kubectl -n openafs get statefulset
Also make sure OpenAFS CSI Driver daemonset is READY and it has started plugin on all woker nodes.
kubectl -n openafs get daemonset
For uninstalling a driver run below command
./ -n openafs -u
OpenAFS CSI Driver is now Installed and Running
There are two types of storage provisionings-
Dynamic Provisioning
Dynamic provisioning is used to dynamically provision the storage backend volume based on the storageClass.
Let's create secret and storageclass,
Creating Secret =>
We need secret to create volume on AFS cell mentioned in storageclass yaml. Mainly we need to provide 'username/password' for cell where volume will be created and mount path where volume should be mounted.
Sample yaml file to create secret
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: <secret_name> #This name will be used in storageclass yaml. data: #user of punetest cell <cell name>_user: <base64 encoded username> <cell name>_password: <base64 encoded password> #You can add more users in same format.
Below is one example :
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: afs_prov_secret #This name will be used in storageclass yaml. data: #user of punetest cell YWRtaW4K #Provide base64 encoded user YWRtaW4K #Provide base64 encoded password #You can add more users in same format.
Extra info: Get base64 encoded username and password for cell
echo <username/password> |base64
Now, create secret using kubectl command
kubectl create -f <secret yaml>
Note: Naming of data field in secret should be maintained as
<cell name>_user <cell name>_password
Storageclass ==>
Storageclass defines what type of backend volume should be created by dynamic provisioning.
Following parameter are supported by OpenAFS CSI Driver
Parameters Description *cellname: AFS cell where AFS volume will be created. *server: AFS fileserver where volume will be created. *partition: vice partition where volume will be created. *volumepath: AFS path with anyuser lookup permission [Ex."system:anyuser rl"] acl: List of ACLs to be set on dynamically provisioned volume. [Ex. system:anyuser rl smith write pat:friends rl]. * Name of the secret * Namespace for secret. '*' parameter is compulsary. Note: - 'volumepath' should be accessible from all worker nodes without any tokens. New volumes will be mounted in this path. - For this version of plugin 'secret-namespace' should be kept as 'default'.
For sample, kindly refer "examples/csi-storageclass.yaml" for storageClass For PersistentVolumeClaim and POD using PVC refer "examples/csi-pvc.yaml", "examples/csi-app.yaml".
Static Provisioning:
In static provisioning, the backend storage volumes and PVs are created by the administrator. Static provisioning can be used to provision a already created AFS volume.
Lets explain this with example. Consider we have user volume "usr.smith" in cell "". Mount point for this volume can be like "/afs/". Now to access this volume we need user "smith" tokens.
We need one path in AFS space which can be accessed without tokens, normally mount with "system:anyuser rl" access. Consider that path is "/afs/".
So as a admin we will create a mount for "usr.smith" volume inside "/afs/", something as "/afs/". Do note without tokens we can see path "/afs/", but to access "/afs/" we need user "smith" tokens.
With above setup admin will create PersistentVolume yaml file as below:
apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: openafs-static-pv spec: capacity: storage: 1Gi accessModes: - ReadWriteMany csi: driver: volumeHandle: "/afs/"
Now admin will create PersistentVolume using
kubectl create -f <PersistentVolume yaml file>
With above steps "openafs-static-pv" PersistentVolume should get created. Now we can create a PersistentVolumeClaim to bound to above PersistentVolume and later we can use PersistentVolumeClaim inside a POD.
For sample refer examples/static-pv.yml, examples/static-pvc.yml
Using PersistentVolumeClaim Inside POD:
There are sample for POD yaml using PersistentVolumeClaim, inside examples/csi-app.yaml, examples/csi-app-staticPv.yml. Do note CSI Plugin will mount a volume inside a POD, but to access a volume Container Application need to get tokens, which has to be done by the Application. We can use sample sidecar container to fetch UID based tokens for a POD, kindly refer sidecar-for-tokens