Make WebDriverAgent more powerful.
Limited in Mac
- Launch iproxy when start. Listen on
instead oflocalhost
- Create http proxy for WDA server
- add udid into
GET /status
- forward all url starts with
- Add the missing Index page
- Support Package management API
- Support launch WDA
- iOS device remote control
- Support Appium Desktop (Beta)
$ brew install openatx/tap/wdaproxy
Simple run
$ wdaproxy -p 8100 -u $UDID
Run with WDA
$ wdaproxy -W ../WebDriverAgent
For more run wdaproxy -h
Strong recommended use python facebook-wda to write tests. But if you have to use appium. Just keep reading.
Since WDA implements WebDriver protocol.
Even through many API not implemented. But it still works. wdaproxy
implemented a few api listed bellow.
- wdaproxy "/wd/hubs/sessions"
- wdaproxy "/wd/hubs/session/$sessionId/window/current/size"
Launch wdaproxy with command wdaproxy -p 8100 -u $UDID
Here is sample Python-Appium-Client
from appium import webdriver
import time
driver = webdriver.Remote("", {"bundleId": ""})
def wait_element(xpath, timeout=10):
print("Wait ELEMENT", xpath)
deadline = time.time() + timeout
while time.time() <= deadline:
el = driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath)
if el:
return el
raise RuntimeError("Element for " + xpath + " not found")
Not working well code
# many a lot.
Package install
$ curl -X POST -F [email protected] http://localhost:8100/api/v1/packages
$ curl -X POST -F url="" http://localhost:8100/api/v1/packages
Package uninstall
$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8100/api/v1/packages/${BUNDLE_ID}
Package list (parse from ideviceinstaller -l
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8100/api/v1/packages
First checkout this repository
git clone $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
Update golang vendor
brew install glide
glide up
Package web resources into binary
go generate ./web
go build -tags vfs
Under MIT