Golang version: 1.22
Operator versions: 4.16
k8s libs versions: v0.29.4
k8s.io/kubernetes version: v1.29.4
Unit tests coverage: 46%
List of supported packages:
- api
- apiservers
- argocd
- assisted
- bmc
- bmh
- cgu
- clients
- clusterlogging
- clusteroperator
- clusterversion
- configmap
- console
- daemonset
- deployment
- events
- hive
- icsp
- imageregistry
- infrastructure
- ingress
- keda
- kmm
- lca
- lso
- machine
- mco
- metallb
- monitoring
- msg
- nad
- namespace
- network
- networkpolicy
- nfd
- nmstate
- nodes
- nodesconfig
- nrop
- nto
- nvidiagpu
- oadp
- ocm
- olm
- pod
- proxy
- ptp
- rbac
- replicaset
- reporter
- reportxml
- route
- scc
- secret
- service
- serviceaccount
- servicemesh
- sriov
- sriov-fec
- statefulset
- storage
- velero
- webhook
What's Changed
- Add path for running unit-tests in Makefile by @sebrandon1 in #261
- Wait for IBU to finish reconciling after update by @trewest in #275
- Import consistency by @sebrandon1 in #239
- Switch clients.Settings to interfaces by @sebrandon1 in #273
- sriov pkg: Added create and newBuilder funcs for sriovoperatorconfig by @evgenLevin in #271
- Keep definition updated during WaitUntilStageComplete by @trewest in #281
- pod,deployment pkg: fixed network annotation by @sebrandon1 in #282
- Add unit tests for deployment pkg Pull func by @sebrandon1 in #270
- Limit scope of 'apiClient' var in builder in 'Node' package by @sebrandon1 in #272
- Add unit tests for deployment options pattern by @sebrandon1 in #274
- Add sriovfec pkg by @mcornea in #264
- Add unit tests for daemonset options pattern by @sebrandon1 in #278
- Add generic resource schemes to test client runtime by @trewest in #284
- ci: trigger unit and lint tests for all releases by @kononovn in #286
- readme: added ci badge, ci: updated workflow name by @kononovn in #290
- Add route pkg by @trewest in #285
- daemonset: added WithHostNetwork and WithVolume functions by @ajaggapa in #279
- ci: added unit test infrastructure by @kononovn in #292
- readme: added licence badge by @kononovn in #293
- Add velero pkg and backup resource by @trewest in #291
- pod: modified ExecCommand method's glog Infof by @ajaggapa in #303
- sriov:isolate api, clients:added sriov fake client by @kononovn in #305
- Add restore struct to velero pkg by @trewest in #306
- sriov pkg: added sriovNetwork unit tests by @kononovn in #308
- sriov: added policy unit tests by @kononovn in #311
- sriov: added operatorconfig unit tests by @kononovn in #312
- daemonset: IsReady method evaluation modified by @ajaggapa in #317
- Add deployment unit tests by @sebrandon1 in #314
- sriov: added networknodestate unit tests by @kononovn in #316
- sriov: added unit tests for lists functions by @kononovn in #318
- sriov: added unit test for PullOperatorConfig func by @kononovn in #319
- lca: Limiting the client for pull and newbuilder for lca by @achuzhoy in #315
- sriov: refactored list_test.go by @kononovn in #320
- Add configmap unit tests by @sebrandon1 in #321
- metallb: addresspool added unit tests by @kononovn in #322
- cgu: add NewCguBuilder and additional CGU functions by @mcornea in #309
- Use client params struct by @sebrandon1 in #323
- hive: added hiveconfig.go to pkg by @ElaiShalevRH in #304
- reportxml: added reportxml package by @kononovn in #324
- metallb: added bfdprofile unit tests by @kononovn in #326
- sriov pkg: Added NetworkPoolConfig by @evgenLevin in #307
- add new method to the co pkg: Pull function by @elenagerman in #327
- context consistency: switch Background() to TODO() by @sebrandon1 in #329
- IBU can only be named upgrade by @achuzhoy in #331
- metallb: added bgppeer unit tests by @kononovn in #330
- Add event units tests by @sebrandon1 in #328
- clusteroperator pkg: GetConditionReason method added by @elenagerman in #332
- limit route pkg apiClient by @trewest in #334
- Fix extraneous fmt.Sprintf calls by @sebrandon1 in #336
- metallb: added metallb unit tests by @kononovn in #335
- limit assisted pkg apiClient by @trewest in #339
- new apiservers pkg added (openshiftapiserver&kubeapiserver included) by @elenagerman in #333
- Adjust deployment pkg returns and logs by @sebrandon1 in #337
- polarion: remove polarion package by @kononovn in #344
- Adding a note re unit test. by @achuzhoy in #346
- ocm: added new policy builder and unit tests by @klaskosk in #338
- metallb: added l2Advertisement unit tests by @kononovn in #345
- sriov pkg: add vlanproto with func by @gkopels in #310
- ocm: add new placement binding builder and unit tests by @klaskosk in #343
- fixing PollUntilContextTimeout methods for the apiservers pkg by @elenagerman in #354
- clusteroperator pkg: add validation verification to methods by @elenagerman in #353
- metallb: added bpgAdvertisement unit tests by @kononovn in #351
- Add networkpolicy unit tests by @sebrandon1 in #350
- ocm: added new placement rule builder and unit tests by @klaskosk in #342
- ocm: added new policy set builder and unit tests by @klaskosk in #341
- Adding logging to deployment and daemonset pkgs. by @cdvultur in #360
- imageregistry pkg added by @elenagerman in #352
- ibu: add extra check for stage to avoid going into poll by @achuzhoy in #358
- argocd: argocd added unit tests by @kononovn in #363
- cgu: add wait until backup starts function by @klaskosk in #359
- argocd: applications.go added unit tests by @kononovn in #365
- nodesConfig pkg added (nodes.config object) by @elenagerman in #362
- WithCustomResourcesRequests method added by @yprokule in #368
- nodesconfig.pkg: typo correction by @elenagerman in #369
- nodes.pkg: WaitForAllNodesToReboot method enhancements by @elenagerman in #370
- Update setup-go action to v5 by @sebrandon1 in #374
- Update checkout action to v4 by @sebrandon1 in #375
- Add ingress controller unit tests by @sebrandon1 in #366
- apiservers: added unit tests for kubeapiserver.go by @kononovn in #377
- ocm: add wait until deleted for policy by @klaskosk in #380
- Add multinetworkpolicy unit tests by @sebrandon1 in #376
- lifecycle: add unit test for IBU. by @achuzhoy in #364
- ibu: remove AdditionalImages from IBU pkg by @achuzhoy in #383
- imageregistry pkg: WithStorage and Get Storage methods added + unit test by @elenagerman in #372
- clusteroperator pkg: switch to the goclient.Client, Get method added + unit test by @elenagerman in #373
- Add multinetegress unit tests by @sebrandon1 in #382
- apiservers: added unit tests for openshiftapiserver.go by @kononovn in #381
- Remove contractions by @sebrandon1 in #385
- Import consistency by @sebrandon1 in #387
- Add multinetingress unit tests by @sebrandon1 in #386
- pod pkg: Added WithTerminationGracePeriodSeconds func by @evgenLevin in #391
- Remove more contractions by @sebrandon1 in #390
- Add unit tests for msg package by @sebrandon1 in #393
- new consoleoperator object handeling added to the console pkg + unit test by @elenagerman in #388
- cgu: added PreCachingConfig resource and unit tests by @klaskosk in #389
- Bump github.com/openshift-kni/lifecycle-agent module by @trewest in #396
- nodes list: WaitForAllNodesToReboot fix by @elenagerman in #398
- storagecluster pkg added to the storage library + unit test by @elenagerman in #395
- mco pkg: WithSystemReserved method fix by @elenagerman in #401
- lca: updating the seedgenerator - singleton by @achuzhoy in #400
- bmh: added unit test baremetalhost.go by @kononovn in #399
- cgu: added delete and wait to force update by @klaskosk in #402
- bmh: added list unit tests by @kononovn in #403
- ocm: add wait until compliance state for policy by @klaskosk in #405
- cgu: fix bug in wait until deleted function by @klaskosk in #409
- Update GolangCI-lint to v1.58.1 by @sebrandon1 in #408
- clusterlogging: added unit tests clusterlogging.go by @kononovn in #407
- clusterlogging: fix file name clusterlogging_test.go by @kononovn in #411
- ci: enforce test coverage total threshold validation by @kononovn in #412
- clusterlogforwarder adjustments + unit test added by @elenagerman in #413
- elasticsearch object handler added + unit tests by @elenagerman in #410
- BMC package added as a wrapper to redfish APIs by @greyerof in #378
- go: updated go version from 1.20 to 1.22 by @kononovn in #415
- bmh: fixed occasional failed unit test by @klaskosk in #420
- bump: update go.sum by @kononovn in #421
- ocm: add ManagedCluster and unit tests by @klaskosk in #416
- cgu: fix potential panic with nil api client by @klaskosk in #418
- BMC: Downgrade gofish dependency to v0.15.0 by @greyerof in #424
- bmh: fix test for delete and wait by @klaskosk in #426
- servicemesh memberroll adjustments + unit test added by @elenagerman in #423
- servicemesh controlplane adjustments + unit test added by @elenagerman in #422
- Update LCA apis to v1 by @trewest in #428
- sriov pkg: Renamed CleanAllPoolConfigs func by @evgenLevin in #429
- BMC: Added CLI commands runner and Serial Console access. by @greyerof in #419
- bmc: add power on/off and power usage by @klaskosk in #425
- Add unit tests for agentclusterinstall by @trewest in #434
- ListInAllNamespaces method added for statefulset pkg by @yprokule in #432
- cgu: added TestCguListInAllNamespaces unit tests by @kononovn in #436
- nto pkg: tuned object support added by @elenagerman in #431
- lca: adding a check for seedimage name by @achuzhoy in #438
- hive: added Config unit tests by @kononovn in #439
- nto pkg: performanceprofile - new methods added, fixes and unit test added by @elenagerman in #430
- Add unit tests for agentserviceconfig by @trewest in #437
- bmc: refactor New and add methods for setting timeout by @klaskosk in #435
- BMC: added method to get system's power state. by @greyerof in #442
- hive: clusterimageset added unit tests by @kononovn in #441
- nto pkg: add WithAnnotation and WithNet methods to the performanceprofile by @elenagerman in #443
- Added missing arg for glog formatting by @yprokule in #445
- lca: add unittest for seedgenerator by @achuzhoy in #414
- sriov: add delete and wait to network by @klaskosk in #446
- Some KMM related unit-tests by @cdvultur in #444
- bmh: add list in all namespaces by @klaskosk in #447
- BMC: PowerCycle alternate implementation by @greyerof in #454
- Add eco-gotests 'make vet' to PR checks by @sebrandon1 in #455
- Add 'go mod tidy' before vendor by @sebrandon1 in #456
- add backupstoragelocation to velero pkg by @trewest in #458
- Update Go to v1.22.4 by @sebrandon1 in #459
- keda pkg: kedaController object handler added by @elenagerman in #448
- Add WithVlan to MasterBondPlugin in Pkg Nad by @gkopels in #465
- Add 'make coverage-html' make path by @sebrandon1 in #461
- Add TestKubeAPIServerBuilderValidate func by @sebrandon1 in #460
- Add Validate tests for pkg/cgu by @sebrandon1 in #463
- storage: add deletes and unit tests to pv by @klaskosk in #457
- replicaset pkg: replicaset object handler created by @elenagerman in #452
- bump all libs to latest/release-4.16 versions by @kononovn in #467
- bump: upgrade nvidia operator to the latest version by @kononovn in #469
- Add daemonset pkg unit tests by @sebrandon1 in #468
- Update github.com/containernetworking/cni module by @trewest in #472
- storage: add pull and deletes plus tests to storageclass by @klaskosk in #466
- mco: added list and list unit tests by @klaskosk in #471
- sriov pkg: WithConfigDaemonNodeSelector method added by @elenagerman in #473
- keda pkg: TriggerAuthentication object handler added by @elenagerman in #449
- Add KMM preflightvalidationocp unit-tests by @cdvultur in #453
- keda pkg: ScaleObject object handler added by @elenagerman in #450
- service pkg, new methods added: Update, WithLabel, WithSelector by @elenagerman in #479
- cgu: add wait for condition and unit tests by @klaskosk in #474
- nrop pkg: NUMAResourcesOperator handler added by @elenagerman in #476
- argocd: reset application resource version on update by @klaskosk in #483
- ocm: add klusterlet addon config and unit tests by @klaskosk in #478
- nrop pkg: NUMAResourcesScheduler handler added by @elenagerman in #477
- secret pkg: WithAnnotations and Get methods added + unit test by @elenagerman in #484
- Add OADP pkg and dataprotectionapplication by @trewest in #480
- clusterversion: Added With,Wait functions by @siserafin in #475
- new monitoring pkg: servicemonitor handler added by @elenagerman in #481
- update delete (and wait) unit tests for a few packages by @klaskosk in #487
- Add pod DeleteImmediate function by @mcornea in #488
- ntp pkg: WithAdditionalKernelArgs method added by @elenagerman in #489
- nrop pkg: add config field option to the WithMCPSelector method by @elenagerman in #492
- nrop pkg: add WithSchedulerName method by @elenagerman in #493
- clusterlogging pkg: lokistack handler added by @elenagerman in #495
- Update Go to v1.22.5 by @sebrandon1 in #503
New Contributors
- @ajaggapa made their first contribution in #279
- @klaskosk made their first contribution in #338
- @greyerof made their first contribution in #378
- @siserafin made their first contribution in #475
Full Changelog: 4.15.0...4.16.0