OpenZiti Edge Management API
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 0.25.31
- Package version: 0.25.33
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonPriorClientCodegen For more information, please visit
Python >=3.6
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import openziti_edge_management
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import openziti_edge_management
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import time
import openziti_edge_management
from pprint import pprint
from openziti_edge_management.api import api_session_api
from openziti_edge_management.model.api_error_envelope import ApiErrorEnvelope
from openziti_edge_management.model.detail_api_session_envelope import DetailApiSessionEnvelope
from openziti_edge_management.model.empty import Empty
from openziti_edge_management.model.list_api_sessions_envelope import ListApiSessionsEnvelope
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = openziti_edge_management.Configuration(
host = ""
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure API key authorization: ztSession
configuration.api_key['ztSession'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['ztSession'] = 'Bearer'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with openziti_edge_management.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = api_session_api.APISessionApi(api_client)
id = "id_example" # str | The id of the requested resource
# Deletes an API Sessions
api_response = api_instance.delete_api_sessions(id)
except openziti_edge_management.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling APISessionApi->delete_api_sessions: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
APISessionApi | delete_api_sessions | DELETE /api-sessions/{id} | Deletes an API Sessions |
APISessionApi | detail_api_sessions | GET /api-sessions/{id} | Retrieves a single API Session |
APISessionApi | list_api_sessions | GET /api-sessions | List active API sessions |
AuthPolicyApi | create_auth_policy | POST /auth-policies | Creates an Auth Policy |
AuthPolicyApi | delete_auth_policy | DELETE /auth-policies/{id} | Delete an Auth Policy |
AuthPolicyApi | detail_auth_policy | GET /auth-policies/{id} | Retrieves a single Auth Policy |
AuthPolicyApi | list_auth_policies | GET /auth-policies | List Auth Policies |
AuthPolicyApi | patch_auth_policy | PATCH /auth-policies/{id} | Update the supplied fields on an Auth Policy |
AuthPolicyApi | update_auth_policy | PUT /auth-policies/{id} | Update all fields on an Auth Policy |
AuthenticationApi | authenticate | POST /authenticate | Authenticate via a method supplied via a query string parameter |
AuthenticationApi | authenticate_mfa | POST /authenticate/mfa | Complete MFA authentication |
AuthenticatorApi | create_authenticator | POST /authenticators | Creates an authenticator |
AuthenticatorApi | delete_authenticator | DELETE /authenticators/{id} | Delete an Authenticator |
AuthenticatorApi | detail_authenticator | GET /authenticators/{id} | Retrieves a single authenticator |
AuthenticatorApi | list_authenticators | GET /authenticators | List authenticators |
AuthenticatorApi | patch_authenticator | PATCH /authenticators/{id} | Update the supplied fields on an authenticator |
AuthenticatorApi | re_enroll_authenticator | POST /authenticators/{id}/re-enroll | Reverts an authenticator to an enrollment |
AuthenticatorApi | update_authenticator | PUT /authenticators/{id} | Update all fields on an authenticator |
CertificateAuthorityApi | create_ca | POST /cas | Creates a CA |
CertificateAuthorityApi | delete_ca | DELETE /cas/{id} | Delete a CA |
CertificateAuthorityApi | detail_ca | GET /cas/{id} | Retrieves a single CA |
CertificateAuthorityApi | get_ca_jwt | GET /cas/{id}/jwt | Retrieve the enrollment JWT for a CA |
CertificateAuthorityApi | list_cas | GET /cas | List CAs |
CertificateAuthorityApi | patch_ca | PATCH /cas/{id} | Update the supplied fields on a CA |
CertificateAuthorityApi | update_ca | PUT /cas/{id} | Update all fields on a CA |
CertificateAuthorityApi | verify_ca | POST /cas/{id}/verify | Verify a CA |
ConfigApi | create_config | POST /configs | Create a config resource |
ConfigApi | create_config_type | POST /config-types | Create a config-type. Requires admin access. |
ConfigApi | delete_config | DELETE /configs/{id} | Delete a config |
ConfigApi | delete_config_type | DELETE /config-types/{id} | Delete a config-type |
ConfigApi | detail_config | GET /configs/{id} | Retrieves a single config |
ConfigApi | detail_config_type | GET /config-types/{id} | Retrieves a single config-type |
ConfigApi | list_config_types | GET /config-types | List config-types |
ConfigApi | list_configs | GET /configs | List configs |
ConfigApi | list_configs_for_config_type | GET /config-types/{id}/configs | Lists the configs of a specific config-type |
ConfigApi | patch_config | PATCH /configs/{id} | Update the supplied fields on a config |
ConfigApi | patch_config_type | PATCH /config-types/{id} | Update the supplied fields on a config-type |
ConfigApi | update_config | PUT /configs/{id} | Update all fields on a config |
ConfigApi | update_config_type | PUT /config-types/{id} | Update all fields on a config-type |
CurrentAPISessionApi | current_api_session_delete | DELETE /current-api-session | Logout |
CurrentAPISessionApi | detail_current_identity_authenticator | GET /current-identity/authenticators/{id} | Retrieve an authenticator for the current identity |
CurrentAPISessionApi | extend_current_identity_authenticator | POST /current-identity/authenticators/{id}/extend | Allows the current identity to recieve a new certificate associated with a certificate based authenticator |
CurrentAPISessionApi | extend_verify_current_identity_authenticator | POST /current-identity/authenticators/{id}/extend-verify | Allows the current identity to validate reciept of a new client certificate |
CurrentAPISessionApi | get_current_api_session | GET /current-api-session | Return the current API session |
CurrentAPISessionApi | list_current_identity_authenticators | GET /current-identity/authenticators | List authenticators for the current identity |
CurrentAPISessionApi | patch_current_identity_authenticator | PATCH /current-identity/authenticators/{id} | Update the supplied fields on an authenticator of this identity |
CurrentAPISessionApi | update_current_identity_authenticator | PUT /current-identity/authenticators/{id} | Update all fields on an authenticator of this identity |
CurrentIdentityApi | create_mfa_recovery_codes | POST /current-identity/mfa/recovery-codes | For a completed MFA enrollment regenerate the recovery codes |
CurrentIdentityApi | delete_mfa | DELETE /current-identity/mfa | Disable MFA for the current identity |
CurrentIdentityApi | detail_mfa | GET /current-identity/mfa | Returns the current status of MFA enrollment |
CurrentIdentityApi | detail_mfa_qr_code | GET /current-identity/mfa/qr-code | Show a QR code for unverified MFA enrollments |
CurrentIdentityApi | detail_mfa_recovery_codes | GET /current-identity/mfa/recovery-codes | For a completed MFA enrollment view the current recovery codes |
CurrentIdentityApi | enroll_mfa | POST /current-identity/mfa | Initiate MFA enrollment |
CurrentIdentityApi | get_current_identity | GET /current-identity | Return the current identity |
CurrentIdentityApi | verify_mfa | POST /current-identity/mfa/verify | Complete MFA enrollment by verifying a time based one time token |
DatabaseApi | check_data_integrity | POST /database/check-data-integrity | Starts a data integrity scan on the datastore |
DatabaseApi | create_database_snapshot | POST /database/snapshot | Create a new database snapshot |
DatabaseApi | data_integrity_results | GET /database/data-integrity-results | Returns any results found from in-progress integrity checks |
DatabaseApi | fix_data_integrity | POST /database/fix-data-integrity | Runs a data integrity scan on the datastore, attempts to fix any issues it can and returns any found issues |
EdgeRouterApi | create_edge_router | POST /edge-routers | Create an edge router |
EdgeRouterApi | delete_edge_router | DELETE /edge-routers/{id} | Delete an edge router |
EdgeRouterApi | detail_edge_router | GET /edge-routers/{id} | Retrieves a single edge router |
EdgeRouterApi | list_edge_router_edge_router_policies | GET /edge-routers/{id}/edge-router-policies | List the edge router policies that affect an edge router |
EdgeRouterApi | list_edge_router_identities | GET /edge-routers/{id}/identities | List associated identities |
EdgeRouterApi | list_edge_router_service_edge_router_policies | GET /edge-routers/{id}/service-edge-router-policies | List the service policies that affect an edge router |
EdgeRouterApi | list_edge_router_services | GET /edge-routers/{id}/services | List associated services |
EdgeRouterApi | list_edge_routers | GET /edge-routers | List edge routers |
EdgeRouterApi | patch_edge_router | PATCH /edge-routers/{id} | Update the supplied fields on an edge router |
EdgeRouterApi | re_enroll_edge_router | POST /edge-routers/{id}/re-enroll | Re-enroll an edge router |
EdgeRouterApi | update_edge_router | PUT /edge-routers/{id} | Update all fields on an edge router |
EdgeRouterPolicyApi | create_edge_router_policy | POST /edge-router-policies | Create an edge router policy resource |
EdgeRouterPolicyApi | delete_edge_router_policy | DELETE /edge-router-policies/{id} | Delete an edge router policy |
EdgeRouterPolicyApi | detail_edge_router_policy | GET /edge-router-policies/{id} | Retrieves a single edge router policy |
EdgeRouterPolicyApi | list_edge_router_policies | GET /edge-router-policies | List edge router policies |
EdgeRouterPolicyApi | list_edge_router_policy_edge_routers | GET /edge-router-policies/{id}/edge-routers | List edge routers a policy affects |
EdgeRouterPolicyApi | list_edge_router_policy_identities | GET /edge-router-policies/{id}/identities | List identities an edge router policy affects |
EdgeRouterPolicyApi | patch_edge_router_policy | PATCH /edge-router-policies/{id} | Update the supplied fields on an edge router policy |
EdgeRouterPolicyApi | update_edge_router_policy | PUT /edge-router-policies/{id} | Update all fields on an edge router policy |
EnrollApi | extend_current_identity_authenticator | POST /current-identity/authenticators/{id}/extend | Allows the current identity to recieve a new certificate associated with a certificate based authenticator |
EnrollApi | extend_verify_current_identity_authenticator | POST /current-identity/authenticators/{id}/extend-verify | Allows the current identity to validate reciept of a new client certificate |
EnrollmentApi | create_enrollment | POST /enrollments | Create an outstanding enrollment for an identity |
EnrollmentApi | delete_enrollment | DELETE /enrollments/{id} | Delete an outstanding enrollment |
EnrollmentApi | detail_enrollment | GET /enrollments/{id} | Retrieves an outstanding enrollment |
EnrollmentApi | list_enrollments | GET /enrollments | List outstanding enrollments |
EnrollmentApi | refresh_enrollment | POST /enrollments/{id}/refresh | Refreshes an enrollment record's expiration window |
ExtendEnrollmentApi | extend_current_identity_authenticator | POST /current-identity/authenticators/{id}/extend | Allows the current identity to recieve a new certificate associated with a certificate based authenticator |
ExtendEnrollmentApi | extend_verify_current_identity_authenticator | POST /current-identity/authenticators/{id}/extend-verify | Allows the current identity to validate reciept of a new client certificate |
ExternalJWTSignerApi | create_external_jwt_signer | POST /external-jwt-signers | Creates an External JWT Signer |
ExternalJWTSignerApi | delete_external_jwt_signer | DELETE /external-jwt-signers/{id} | Delete an External JWT Signer |
ExternalJWTSignerApi | detail_external_jwt_signer | GET /external-jwt-signers/{id} | Retrieves a single External JWT Signer |
ExternalJWTSignerApi | list_external_jwt_signers | GET /external-jwt-signers | List External JWT Signers |
ExternalJWTSignerApi | patch_external_jwt_signer | PATCH /external-jwt-signers/{id} | Update the supplied fields on an External JWT Signer |
ExternalJWTSignerApi | update_external_jwt_signer | PUT /external-jwt-signers/{id} | Update all fields on an External JWT Signer |
IdentityApi | associate_identitys_service_configs | POST /identities/{id}/service-configs | Associate service configs for a specific identity |
IdentityApi | create_identity | POST /identities | Create an identity resource |
IdentityApi | delete_identity | DELETE /identities/{id} | Delete an identity |
IdentityApi | detail_identity | GET /identities/{id} | Retrieves a single identity |
IdentityApi | detail_identity_type | GET /identity-types/{id} | Retrieves a identity type |
IdentityApi | disable_identity | POST /identities/{id}/disable | Set an identity as disabled |
IdentityApi | disassociate_identitys_service_configs | DELETE /identities/{id}/service-configs | Remove associated service configs from a specific identity |
IdentityApi | enable_identity | POST /identities/{id}/enable | Clears all disabled state from an identity |
IdentityApi | get_identity_authenticators | GET /identities/{id}/authenticators | Retrieve the current authenticators of a specific identity |
IdentityApi | get_identity_enrollments | GET /identities/{id}/enrollments | Retrieve the current enrollments of a specific identity |
IdentityApi | get_identity_failed_service_requests | GET /identities/{id}/failed-service-requests | Retrieve a list of the most recent service failure requests due to posture checks |
IdentityApi | get_identity_policy_advice | GET /identities/{id}/policy-advice/{serviceId} | Analyze policies relating the given identity and service |
IdentityApi | get_identity_posture_data | GET /identities/{id}/posture-data | Retrieve the curent posture data for a specific identity. |
IdentityApi | list_identities | GET /identities | List identities |
IdentityApi | list_identity_edge_routers | GET /identities/{id}/edge-routers | List accessible edge-routers |
IdentityApi | list_identity_service_policies | GET /identities/{id}/service-policies | List the service policies that affect an identity |
IdentityApi | list_identity_services | GET /identities/{id}/services | List accessible services |
IdentityApi | list_identity_types | GET /identity-types | List available identity types |
IdentityApi | list_identitys_edge_router_policies | GET /identities/{id}/edge-router-policies | List the edge router policies that affect an identity |
IdentityApi | list_identitys_service_configs | GET /identities/{id}/service-configs | List the service configs associated a specific identity |
IdentityApi | patch_identity | PATCH /identities/{id} | Update the supplied fields on an identity |
IdentityApi | remove_identity_mfa | DELETE /identities/{id}/mfa | Remove MFA from an identitity |
IdentityApi | update_identity | PUT /identities/{id} | Update all fields on an identity |
IdentityApi | update_identity_tracing | PUT /identities/{id}/trace | Enable/disable data flow tracing for an identity |
InformationalApi | detail_spec | GET /specs/{id} | Return a single spec resource |
InformationalApi | detail_spec_body | GET /specs/{id}/spec | Returns the spec's file |
InformationalApi | list_root | GET / | Returns version information |
InformationalApi | list_specs | GET /specs | Returns a list of API specs |
InformationalApi | list_summary | GET /summary | Returns a list of accessible resource counts |
InformationalApi | list_version | GET /version | Returns version information |
MFAApi | authenticate_mfa | POST /authenticate/mfa | Complete MFA authentication |
MFAApi | create_mfa_recovery_codes | POST /current-identity/mfa/recovery-codes | For a completed MFA enrollment regenerate the recovery codes |
MFAApi | delete_mfa | DELETE /current-identity/mfa | Disable MFA for the current identity |
MFAApi | detail_mfa | GET /current-identity/mfa | Returns the current status of MFA enrollment |
MFAApi | detail_mfa_qr_code | GET /current-identity/mfa/qr-code | Show a QR code for unverified MFA enrollments |
MFAApi | detail_mfa_recovery_codes | GET /current-identity/mfa/recovery-codes | For a completed MFA enrollment view the current recovery codes |
MFAApi | enroll_mfa | POST /current-identity/mfa | Initiate MFA enrollment |
MFAApi | remove_identity_mfa | DELETE /identities/{id}/mfa | Remove MFA from an identitity |
MFAApi | verify_mfa | POST /current-identity/mfa/verify | Complete MFA enrollment by verifying a time based one time token |
PostureChecksApi | create_posture_check | POST /posture-checks | Creates a Posture Checks |
PostureChecksApi | delete_posture_check | DELETE /posture-checks/{id} | Deletes an Posture Checks |
PostureChecksApi | detail_posture_check | GET /posture-checks/{id} | Retrieves a single Posture Checks |
PostureChecksApi | detail_posture_check_type | GET /posture-check-types/{id} | Retrieves a single posture check type |
PostureChecksApi | list_posture_check_types | GET /posture-check-types | List a subset of posture check types |
PostureChecksApi | list_posture_checks | GET /posture-checks | List a subset of posture checks |
PostureChecksApi | patch_posture_check | PATCH /posture-checks/{id} | Update the supplied fields on a Posture Checks |
PostureChecksApi | update_posture_check | PUT /posture-checks/{id} | Update all fields on a Posture Checks |
RoleAttributesApi | list_edge_router_role_attributes | GET /edge-router-role-attributes | List role attributes in use by edge routers |
RoleAttributesApi | list_identity_role_attributes | GET /identity-role-attributes | List role attributes in use by identities |
RoleAttributesApi | list_service_role_attributes | GET /service-role-attributes | List role attributes in use by services |
RouterApi | create_router | POST /routers | Create a router resource |
RouterApi | create_transit_router | POST /transit-routers | Create a router resource |
RouterApi | delete_router | DELETE /routers/{id} | Delete a router |
RouterApi | delete_transit_router | DELETE /transit-routers/{id} | Delete a router |
RouterApi | detail_router | GET /routers/{id} | Retrieves a single router |
RouterApi | detail_transit_router | GET /transit-routers/{id} | Retrieves a single router |
RouterApi | list_routers | GET /routers | List routers |
RouterApi | list_transit_routers | GET /transit-routers | List routers |
RouterApi | patch_router | PATCH /routers/{id} | Update the supplied fields on a router |
RouterApi | patch_transit_router | PATCH /transit-routers/{id} | Update the supplied fields on a router |
RouterApi | update_router | PUT /routers/{id} | Update all fields on a router |
RouterApi | update_transit_router | PUT /transit-routers/{id} | Update all fields on a router |
ServiceApi | create_service | POST /services | Create a services resource |
ServiceApi | delete_service | DELETE /services/{id} | Delete a service |
ServiceApi | detail_service | GET /services/{id} | Retrieves a single service |
ServiceApi | list_service_config | GET /services/{id}/configs | List configs associated to a specific service |
ServiceApi | list_service_edge_routers | GET /services/{id}/edge-routers | List accessible edge-routers |
ServiceApi | list_service_identities | GET /services/{id}/identities | List identities with access |
ServiceApi | list_service_service_edge_router_policies | GET /services/{id}/service-edge-router-policies | List service edge router policies that affect a specific service |
ServiceApi | list_service_service_policies | GET /services/{id}/service-policies | List service policies that affect a specific service |
ServiceApi | list_service_terminators | GET /services/{id}/terminators | List of terminators assigned to a service |
ServiceApi | list_services | GET /services | List services |
ServiceApi | patch_service | PATCH /services/{id} | Update the supplied fields on a service |
ServiceApi | update_service | PUT /services/{id} | Update all fields on a service |
ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyApi | create_service_edge_router_policy | POST /service-edge-router-policies | Create a service edge router policy resource |
ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyApi | delete_service_edge_router_policy | DELETE /service-edge-router-policies/{id} | Delete a service edge policy |
ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyApi | detail_service_edge_router_policy | GET /service-edge-router-policies/{id} | Retrieves a single service edge policy |
ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyApi | list_service_edge_router_policies | GET /service-edge-router-policies | List service edge router policies |
ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyApi | list_service_edge_router_policy_edge_routers | GET /service-edge-router-policies/{id}/edge-routers | List the edge routers that a service edge router policy applies to |
ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyApi | list_service_edge_router_policy_services | GET /service-edge-router-policies/{id}/services | List the services that a service edge router policy applies to |
ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyApi | patch_service_edge_router_policy | PATCH /service-edge-router-policies/{id} | Update the supplied fields on a service edge policy |
ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyApi | update_service_edge_router_policy | PUT /service-edge-router-policies/{id} | Update all fields on a service edge policy |
ServicePolicyApi | create_service_policy | POST /service-policies | Create a service policy resource |
ServicePolicyApi | delete_service_policy | DELETE /service-policies/{id} | Delete a service policy |
ServicePolicyApi | detail_service_policy | GET /service-policies/{id} | Retrieves a single service policy |
ServicePolicyApi | list_service_policies | GET /service-policies | List service policies |
ServicePolicyApi | list_service_policy_identities | GET /service-policies/{id}/identities | List identities a service policy affects |
ServicePolicyApi | list_service_policy_posture_checks | GET /service-policies/{id}/posture-checks | List posture check a service policy includes |
ServicePolicyApi | list_service_policy_services | GET /service-policies/{id}/services | List services a service policy affects |
ServicePolicyApi | patch_service_policy | PATCH /service-policies/{id} | Update the supplied fields on a service policy |
ServicePolicyApi | update_service_policy | PUT /service-policies/{id} | Update all fields on a service policy |
SessionApi | delete_session | DELETE /sessions/{id} | Delete a session |
SessionApi | detail_session | GET /sessions/{id} | Retrieves a single session |
SessionApi | detail_session_route_path | GET /sessions/{id}/route-path | Retrieves a single session's router path |
SessionApi | list_sessions | GET /sessions | List sessions |
TerminatorApi | create_terminator | POST /terminators | Create a terminator resource |
TerminatorApi | delete_terminator | DELETE /terminators/{id} | Delete a terminator |
TerminatorApi | detail_terminator | GET /terminators/{id} | Retrieves a single terminator |
TerminatorApi | list_terminators | GET /terminators | List terminators |
TerminatorApi | patch_terminator | PATCH /terminators/{id} | Update the supplied fields on a terminator |
TerminatorApi | update_terminator | PUT /terminators/{id} | Update all fields on a terminator |
TracingApi | update_identity_tracing | PUT /identities/{id}/trace | Enable/disable data flow tracing for an identity |
WellKnownApi | list_well_known_cas | GET /.well-known/est/cacerts | Get CA Cert Store |
- ApiError
- ApiErrorArgs
- ApiErrorCause
- ApiErrorEnvelope
- ApiFieldError
- ApiSessionDetail
- ApiSessionDetailAllOf
- ApiSessionList
- ApiSessionPostureData
- ApiVersion
- Attributes
- AuthPolicyCreate
- AuthPolicyDetail
- AuthPolicyDetailAllOf
- AuthPolicyList
- AuthPolicyPatch
- AuthPolicyPrimary
- AuthPolicyPrimaryCert
- AuthPolicyPrimaryCertPatch
- AuthPolicyPrimaryExtJwt
- AuthPolicyPrimaryExtJwtPatch
- AuthPolicyPrimaryPatch
- AuthPolicyPrimaryUpdb
- AuthPolicyPrimaryUpdbPatch
- AuthPolicySecondary
- AuthPolicySecondaryPatch
- AuthPolicyUpdate
- AuthQueryDetail
- AuthQueryList
- Authenticate
- AuthenticatorCreate
- AuthenticatorDetail
- AuthenticatorDetailAllOf
- AuthenticatorList
- AuthenticatorPatch
- AuthenticatorPatchWithCurrent
- AuthenticatorPatchWithCurrentAllOf
- AuthenticatorUpdate
- AuthenticatorUpdateWithCurrent
- BaseEntity
- CaCreate
- CaDetail
- CaDetailAllOf
- CaList
- CaPatch
- CaUpdate
- CommonEdgeRouterProperties
- ConfigCreate
- ConfigDetail
- ConfigDetailAllOf
- ConfigList
- ConfigPatch
- ConfigTypeCreate
- ConfigTypeDetail
- ConfigTypeDetailAllOf
- ConfigTypeList
- ConfigTypePatch
- ConfigTypeUpdate
- ConfigTypes
- ConfigUpdate
- CreateEnvelope
- CreateLocation
- CurrentApiSessionDetail
- CurrentApiSessionDetailAllOf
- CurrentApiSessionDetailEnvelope
- CurrentIdentityDetailEnvelope
- DataIntegrityCheckDetail
- DataIntegrityCheckDetailList
- DataIntegrityCheckDetails
- DataIntegrityCheckResultEnvelope
- DetailApiSessionEnvelope
- DetailAuthPolicyEnvelope
- DetailAuthenticatorEnvelope
- DetailCaEnvelope
- DetailConfigEnvelope
- DetailConfigTypeEnvelope
- DetailEdgeRouterPolicyEnvelope
- DetailEnrollmentEnvelope
- DetailExternalJwtSignerEnvelope
- DetailIdentityEnvelope
- DetailIdentityTypeEnvelope
- DetailMfa
- DetailMfaAllOf
- DetailMfaEnvelope
- DetailMfaRecoveryCodes
- DetailMfaRecoveryCodesAllOf
- DetailMfaRecoveryCodesEnvelope
- DetailPostureCheckEnvelope
- DetailPostureCheckTypeEnvelope
- DetailRouterEnvelope
- DetailServiceEdgePolicyEnvelope
- DetailServiceEnvelope
- DetailServicePolicyEnvelop
- DetailSessionManagementEnvelope
- DetailSessionRoutePathEnvelope
- DetailSpecBodyEnvelope
- DetailSpecEnvelope
- DetailTerminatorEnvelope
- DetailedEdgeRouterEnvelope
- DialBind
- DialBindArray
- DisableParams
- EdgeRouterCreate
- EdgeRouterDetail
- EdgeRouterDetailAllOf
- EdgeRouterList
- EdgeRouterPatch
- EdgeRouterPolicyCreate
- EdgeRouterPolicyDetail
- EdgeRouterPolicyDetailAllOf
- EdgeRouterPolicyList
- EdgeRouterPolicyPatch
- EdgeRouterPolicyUpdate
- EdgeRouterUpdate
- Empty
- EnrollmentCreate
- EnrollmentDetail
- EnrollmentDetailAllOf
- EnrollmentList
- EnrollmentRefresh
- EntityRef
- EnvInfo
- ExternalIdClaim
- ExternalIdClaimPatch
- ExternalJwtSignerCreate
- ExternalJwtSignerDetail
- ExternalJwtSignerDetailAllOf
- ExternalJwtSignerList
- ExternalJwtSignerPatch
- ExternalJwtSignerUpdate
- FailedServiceRequest
- FailedServiceRequestEnvelope
- FailedServiceRequestList
- GetIdentityPolicyAdviceEnvelope
- IdentityAuthenticators
- IdentityAuthenticatorsCert
- IdentityAuthenticatorsUpdb
- IdentityCreate
- IdentityCreateEnrollment
- IdentityDetail
- IdentityDetailAllOf
- IdentityEnrollments
- IdentityEnrollmentsOtt
- IdentityEnrollmentsOttca
- IdentityExtendCerts
- IdentityExtendEnrollmentEnvelope
- IdentityExtendEnrollmentRequest
- IdentityExtendValidateEnrollmentRequest
- IdentityList
- IdentityPatch
- IdentityType
- IdentityTypeDetail
- IdentityTypeDetailAllOf
- IdentityTypeList
- IdentityUpdate
- Link
- Links
- ListApiSessionsEnvelope
- ListAuthPoliciesEnvelope
- ListAuthenticatorsEnvelope
- ListCasEnvelope
- ListConfigTypesEnvelope
- ListConfigsEnvelope
- ListEdgeRouterPoliciesEnvelope
- ListEdgeRoutersEnvelope
- ListEnrollmentsEnvelope
- ListExternalJwtSignersEnvelope
- ListIdentitiesEnvelope
- ListIdentityTypesEnvelope
- ListPostureCheckEnvelope
- ListPostureCheckTypesEnvelope
- ListRoleAttributesEnvelope
- ListRoutersEnvelope
- ListServiceConfigsEnvelope
- ListServiceEdgeRouterPoliciesEnvelope
- ListServicePoliciesEnvelope
- ListServicesEnvelope
- ListSessionsManagementEnvelope
- ListSpecsEnvelope
- ListSummaryCounts
- ListSummaryCountsEnvelope
- ListTerminatorsEnvelope
- ListVersionEnvelope
- Meta
- MfaCode
- MfaFormats
- MfaProviders
- NamedRole
- NamedRoles
- OperatingSystem
- OsType
- Pagination
- Password
- PasswordNullable
- PolicyAdvice
- PolicyFailure
- PostureCheckCreate
- PostureCheckDetail
- PostureCheckDomainCreate
- PostureCheckDomainCreateAllOf
- PostureCheckDomainDetail
- PostureCheckDomainPatch
- PostureCheckDomainPatchAllOf
- PostureCheckDomainUpdate
- PostureCheckFailure
- PostureCheckFailureDomain
- PostureCheckFailureDomainAllOf
- PostureCheckFailureMacAddress
- PostureCheckFailureMacAddressAllOf
- PostureCheckFailureMfa
- PostureCheckFailureMfaAllOf
- PostureCheckFailureOperatingSystem
- PostureCheckFailureOperatingSystemActual
- PostureCheckFailureOperatingSystemAllOf
- PostureCheckFailureProcess
- PostureCheckFailureProcessActual
- PostureCheckFailureProcessAllOf
- PostureCheckFailureProcessMulti
- PostureCheckFailureProcessMultiAllOf
- PostureCheckMacAddressCreate
- PostureCheckMacAddressCreateAllOf
- PostureCheckMacAddressDetail
- PostureCheckMacAddressPatch
- PostureCheckMacAddressPatchAllOf
- PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate
- PostureCheckMfaCreate
- PostureCheckMfaDetail
- PostureCheckMfaPatch
- PostureCheckMfaProperties
- PostureCheckMfaPropertiesPatch
- PostureCheckMfaUpdate
- PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate
- PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreateAllOf
- PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail
- PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetailAllOf
- PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch
- PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatchAllOf
- PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate
- PostureCheckPatch
- PostureCheckProcessCreate
- PostureCheckProcessCreateAllOf
- PostureCheckProcessDetail
- PostureCheckProcessMultiCreate
- PostureCheckProcessMultiCreateAllOf
- PostureCheckProcessMultiDetail
- PostureCheckProcessMultiPatch
- PostureCheckProcessMultiPatchAllOf
- PostureCheckProcessMultiUpdate
- PostureCheckProcessPatch
- PostureCheckProcessPatchAllOf
- PostureCheckProcessUpdate
- PostureCheckType
- PostureCheckTypeDetail
- PostureCheckTypeDetailAllOf
- PostureCheckTypeList
- PostureCheckUpdate
- PostureChecksFailureMfaCriteria
- PostureChecksFailureMfaValues
- PostureData
- PostureDataBase
- PostureDataDomain
- PostureDataDomainAllOf
- PostureDataEndpointState
- PostureDataEnvelope
- PostureDataMac
- PostureDataMacAllOf
- PostureDataMfa
- PostureDataOs
- PostureDataOsAllOf
- PostureDataProcess
- PostureDataProcessAllOf
- PostureQueries
- PostureQuery
- PostureQueryAllOf
- PostureQueryProcess
- Process
- ProcessMulti
- ReEnroll
- RoleAttributesList
- Roles
- RouterCreate
- RouterDetail
- RouterDetailAllOf
- RouterEntityRef
- RouterEntityRefAllOf
- RouterList
- RouterPatch
- RouterUpdate
- SdkInfo
- Semantic
- ServiceConfigAssign
- ServiceConfigDetail
- ServiceConfigList
- ServiceConfigsAssignList
- ServiceCreate
- ServiceDetail
- ServiceDetailAllOf
- ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyCreate
- ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyDetail
- ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyDetailAllOf
- ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyList
- ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyPatch
- ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyUpdate
- ServiceList
- ServicePatch
- ServicePolicyCreate
- ServicePolicyDetail
- ServicePolicyDetailAllOf
- ServicePolicyList
- ServicePolicyPatch
- ServicePolicyUpdate
- ServiceUpdate
- SessionDetail
- SessionDetailAllOf
- SessionEdgeRouter
- SessionEdgeRouterAllOf
- SessionManagementDetail
- SessionManagementDetailAllOf
- SessionManagementList
- SessionRoutePathDetail
- SpecDetail
- SpecDetailAllOf
- SpecList
- SubTags
- Tags
- TerminatorCost
- TerminatorCostMap
- TerminatorCreate
- TerminatorDetail
- TerminatorDetailAllOf
- TerminatorList
- TerminatorPatch
- TerminatorPrecedence
- TerminatorPrecedenceMap
- TerminatorUpdate
- TraceDetail
- TraceDetailEnvelope
- TraceSpec
- Username
- UsernameNullable
- Version
- VersionInfo
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: accessCode
- Authorization URL: /oidc/authorize
- Scopes:
- openid: openid
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: zt-session
- Location: HTTP header
If the OpenAPI document is large, imports in openziti_edge_management.apis and openziti_edge_management.models may fail with a RecursionError indicating the maximum recursion limit has been exceeded. In that case, there are a couple of solutions:
Solution 1: Use specific imports for apis and models like:
from openziti_edge_management.api.default_api import DefaultApi
from import Pet
Solution 2: Before importing the package, adjust the maximum recursion limit as shown below:
import sys
import openziti_edge_management
from openziti_edge_management.apis import *
from openziti_edge_management.models import *