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My solutions to the Advent of Code 2022 problems in Python 🎄


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🎄 Advent of Code 2022 🎄

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Advent of Code is an annual Advent calendar of programming puzzles. This year I am doing it in Python.

Running the code

To run the code of a specific day from the root directory run the following, replacing xx with the day number, 01 - 25. Make sure you use Python 3.10+.

python3 day_xx/

You may want to replace python3 with python3.10 if the command above doesn't work.

To run the code of all days run the script:


Make sure you have given permission to execute (chmod +x


Day Name Stars
01 Calorie Counting ⭐⭐
02 Rock Paper Scissors ⭐⭐
03 Rucksack Reorganization ⭐⭐
04 Camp Cleanup ⭐⭐
05 Supply Stacks ⭐⭐
06 Tuning Trouble ⭐⭐
07 No Space Left On Device ⭐⭐
08 Treetop Tree House ⭐⭐
09 Rope Bridge ⭐⭐
10 Cathode-Ray Tube ⭐⭐
11 Monkey in the Middle ⭐⭐
12 Hill Climbing Algorithm ⭐⭐
13 Distress Signal ⭐⭐
14 Regolith Reservoir ⭐⭐
15 Beacon Exclusion Zone
16 Proboscidea Volcanium
17 Pyroclastic Flow
18 Boiling Boulders
19 Not Enough Minerals
20 Grove Positioning System ⭐⭐
21 Monkey Math ⭐⭐
22 Monkey Map
23 Unstable Diffusion ⭐⭐
24 Blizzard Basin ⭐⭐
25 Full of Hot Air ⭐⭐

New Day

To generate the directory for the current day, save your browser cookie in a file called cookie.txt at the root level and run the new day script:


How to get your cookie

A session cookie is a small piece of data used to authenticate yourself to the Advent of Code web servers. It is not human-readable and might look something like this 53616c7465645f5fbd2d445187c5dc5463efb7020021c273c3d604b5946f9e87e2dc30b649f9b2235e8cd57632e415cb.

To learn more about authentication cookies check this Wikipedia article

To get your cookie, go to the Advent of Code site, and while logged in.

Then find the row with "session" as name, copy the value and paste it in your newly created cookie.txt file


black . && isort . && pylint ** && flake8 --max-line-length=100