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CAS FEE ADV Design System: Team Helloworld

Deploy Storybook Release Component Library

This is a repository for the CAS FEE ADV design system part at Ostschweizer Fachhochschule. The main goal of the CAS is to rebuild a Twitter clone called Mumble by applying all the tools and knowledge learned in the lectures to create an application from the beginning to the end.

Table of Content

General Info

This project is Storybook with Tailwind based React component library that provides a reusable and maintainable set of UI components. The latest published Storybook version is here.

Technology Stack

The tools and libraries that are used:

  • Storybook: Is a tool for UI development. It makes development faster and easier by isolating components. This allows you to work on one component at a time.
  • @storybook/react: Is a UI development environment for your React components. With it, you can visualize different states of your UI components and develop them interactively.
  • Tailwind CSS: Is a framework for quickly building and customizing applications without writing custom CSS.
  • Headless UI: Is a set of completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components, designed to integrate beautifully with Tailwind CSS.
  • Typescript: Is a strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript, giving you better tooling at any scale.
  • ESLint: Is a tool to identify and fix problems with your JavaScript code.
  • Pretier: Is an opinionated code formatter. It enforces a consistent style by parsing your code and re-printing.
  • GitHub: Is a distributed version-control platform where users can collaborate on or adopt open source code projects.

Installation Guide

In order to make use of this UI component library package there are some prerequisites. The following tools and libraries gave to be installed before.

Create a Next.js App

npx create-next-app@latest --typescript

To find more detailed information see Create Next App or Next.js on Windows.

Authenticating GitHub Registry

To install the UI component library package you need a personal GitHub Access Token.

  • Create a GitHub personal access token
  • Create a new .npmrc file in the root of your repository
  • Add the key and the declaration of the owner to your project. Replace TOKEN with your access token.

To find more detailed information see Working with the npm registry.

Install UI component library

The UI component library package is set up as follows

npm install @smartive-education/design-system-component-library-hello-world-team@latest

Install Tailwind CSS with PostCSS

The UI component library is based on Tailwind CSS as a PostCSS plugin. This is the most seamless way to integrate it with build tools.

npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
npx tailwindcss init -p

To find more detailed information see Get started with Tailwind CSS

Configure Tailwind CSS

You need to configure your installed tailwind.config.js to make the design tokens available from the installed package (UI component) as preset. Additionally, to apply the design tokens the content path as to be configured, too.

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  presets: [
  content: [

Further to make use of the tailwind utility class add to your into your applications main entry CSS file

@import url(';600;700&display=swap');
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

Usage of the Components

To use a component import it from the UI component library. Here is an example

import {
} from '@smartive-education/design-system-component-library-hello-world-team';

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
    <Button label="Click me" onClick={function noRefCheck() {}} size="M" variant="gradient">
      <MumbleIconComponent />

export default MyComponent;

Component Development

This is a guide for developing components

  • Clone or download the UI component library Hello World
  • Run npm install or npm ci to install the project dependencies
  • Run npm run storybook to start a local instance on port 6006.


This repository is configured to automatically deploy your design system to GitHub Pages and the component library to the GitHub package registry.

Please ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  • Storybook
    • Your package.json contains a build-storybook script
    • The resulting build is located in the storybook-static directory
  • Component Library
    • Your package.json contains a build script
    • When trying with npm pack, all your required files are included in the resulting tarball
    • Your package.json file contains the correct scope for your package (@smartive-education)
    • The package.json file contains the correct registry

Project History and Status

Our projects follow the conventions of the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0

Commit conventions

The commit messages are Semantic Commit Messages / Conventional Commits


Our design systems package follows the Atomic Design Principles. The reason to build this component library in this methodology was the clean division of the components and the mostly positive experience using it this methodology.

Technical improvements

  • Add missing animation
  • Add unit tests

Personal improvements for next project

  • Create more tickets and prioritize them to be able to work more structured.
  • Have a look at the evaluation criteria already at the start of the project.
  • Strictly use defined coding conventions.
  • Not getting influenza and covid again. (Carole ;-))


Carole Hug

Mehmet Ali Bekooglu