This repo aims to solve the placement/optimization problem posed in the game Backpack Battles.
Usage: bb_solver [OPTIONS] -b BAGS -i ITEMS
Example: bb_solver -b 12 -i 01 -a greedy -t 20 -n 11
-b, type and number of bags to place
format as a list of characters (e.g. 1224)
bag numbers:
0 - Fanny Pack
1 - Leather Bag
2 - Potion Belt
3 - Ranger Bag
-i, type and number of items to place
format as a list of characters (e.g. 1224)
item numbers:
0 - Wooden Sword
1 - Pan
2 - Gloves of Haste
-a, type of search algorithm (default "greedy")
"random", "greedy"
-t, search time limit in seconds (default 10)
-n, threads (default 1)