####Display ICAO METAR weather data with a Raspberry Pi and Adafruit displays
Michael duPont - http://mdupont.com
Python 3.2.3 - Raspberry Pi (Raspbian)
Download: git clone https://github.com/flyinactor91/METAR-RasPi
Blog Post: http://mdupont.com/Programming/METAR-RasPi
Program auto-updates METAR data for selected station
Option to log all displayed METAR data for further optimization
- Launch at start-up using "sudo python /home/pi/(path)/mscreen.py >> /home/pi/(path)/METARlog.txt 2>> /home/pi/(path)/METARerror.txt"
Optimized for US, Canada, Bahamas, and Mexico reporting stations
Settings for both screen and plate can be found in mlogic.py
Screen and plate specific settings found in their own files
Note for Class D airports with regular towered hours:
"Most Recent" data older than six hours is returned as "No data" by the server. While a running program will continue to show the last available METAR, a first run will not be able to use that station until a new report is issued.
####METAR Screen
METAR Screen Demonstration - http://youtu.be/tn1fOuBUiiI
Designed for the Adafruit 320x240 2.8" TFT+Touchscreen for Raspberry Pi - http://www.adafruit.com/products/1601.
However, the program can be run on any screen or computer in its own 320x240 window.
Tutorial for screen drivers and/or Raspian distro - https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-pitft-28-inch-resistive-touchscreen-display-raspberry-pi
On the main display, pressing the RMK, WX, WX/RMK displays more METAR information. Pressing the gear displays more options.
Options to shutdown on exit and start in dark-mode
####METAR Plate
METAR Plate Demonstration - http://youtu.be/Pni-CPXJ2RM
Uses Adafruit RGB Negative 16x2 LCD - https://www.adafruit.com/product/1110
Software library for Adafruit LCD Plate - https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-Raspberry-Pi-Python-Code/
You might need this tutorial to unlock your Pi's i2c and smbus - https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruits-raspberry-pi-lesson-4-gpio-setup
Use plate keypad to select ICAO station/airport iden to display METAR data
Left/Right - Choose position
Up/Down - Choose character A-9
Select - Confirm station iden
LCD panel now displays current METAR data (pulled from aviationweather.gov)
Line2 - Rest of METAR report
LCD backlight indicates current Flight Rules
Green - VFR
Blue - MVFR
Red - IFR
Violet - LIFR
At the end of a line scroll:
Holding select button displays iden selection screen
Holding left and right buttons gives option to shutdown the Pi
Shutdown option also available during station selection