Simple demo to show how to import/export data from/to S3 or compatible storage services.
Since we aim to have a complete self contained demo, rather than using AWS S3, or any compatible service, we will use MinIO for this demo.
(if you want to use it to easily run it, otherwise you can always run the commands by hand)
The Makefile
is self documented. Type make help
to get its content:
up Starts all the containers required run the demo
download-cities Downloads TSV file of cities with more than 500 inhabitants and puts it in minio
import-cities-from-s3 Imports TSV file of cities into ClickHouse
query-cities-per-country Run simple query to confirm all data has been correctly imported
export-results-to-s3 Export the results of a query to an S3 bucket
read-exported-file Read the exported file
down Shuts down all the containers and removes their volume
Execute the commands in this order to run the demo.