A Thread-Safe RateCounter implementation in Golang
import "github.com/paulbellamy/ratecounter"
Package ratecounter provides a thread-safe rate-counter, for tracking counts in an interval
Useful for implementing counters and stats of 'requests-per-second' (for example):
// We're recording marks-per-1second
counter := ratecounter.NewRateCounter(1 * time.Second)
// Record an event happening
// get the current requests-per-second
To record an average over a longer period, you can:
// Record requests-per-minute
counter := ratecounter.NewRateCounter(60 * time.Second)
// Calculate the average requests-per-second for the last minute
counter.Rate() / 60
Also you can track average value of some metric in an interval.
Useful for implementing counters and stats of 'average-execution-time' (for example):
// We're recording average execution time of some heavy operation in the last minute.
counter := ratecounter.NewAvgRateCounter(60 * time.Second)
// Start timer.
startTime := time.Now()
// Execute heavy operation.
// Record elapsed time.
// Get the current average execution time.
Check latest documentation on go doc.