WeatherApp 1.0 Release Notes 18/01/21
- Initial WeatherApp release
To build the app you will need to add an API key to your file which is outside of the project (e.g. /Users/[user_dir]/.gradle/ on mac. Add a line to the as follows:
weather_api_key = "[your openweathermap api key]"
- Main weather only - screenshot doesn’t show description.
- UI - Colours, fonts sizes, margins/padding etc.
- Layout behaviours - e.g. how does current condition icon behave with long current condition text (wrap/truncate etc).
- 8 Point Compass - based on screen shot example.
- Round temp and wind speed to nearest whole number.
- Age of data is based on timestamp from api call not actual time of api call.
- If data can’t be synced for any reason use latest as per (<24) rules (not just for no internet) and show general error.
Moved from Kotlin Android Extensions (Synthetics) to Jetpack View Binding as Kotlin Android Extensions is deprecated!
MVVM/MVI Architecture
- Enough to demonstrate a production quality app focusing on stability, extendability and testability.
Libs & tech:
- DI -> Koin
- DB -> Realm
- Coroutines
- LiveData
- Navigation Framework
- Retrofit
- Glide
- LocationManager
- Dexter permissions library
- No feature files as only one feature; in a real production app business logic would be moved into features
- No separate repository data sources; in a real production app repository would be setup with separate data sources
- Only unit tested extension functions & happy paths for both ViewModel & Repository but this covers most business logic
- Unhappy paths for GPS, location services more elaborate
- More testing; better unit test coverage as well as android/UI tests