(Alfa version of a) stand alone app for weather forecast direct download from https://openweathermap.org and display on a Kindle 4 NT
No additional server nor local kindle python is needed.
No additional graphic software converter (e.g. imagemagick, pngcrush, etc) is needed. Go code produces 8 bit gray scale pics, eips ready entirely on the Kindle.
App displays forecast for 3 days today, tomorrow and a day after tomorrow. For each day 3 time zones are reflected (morning, afternoon and evening). Weather picture is updated at every full hour
Kindle 4 keyboard functions:
- Back : exits the application
- Virtsual Keyboard : refresh the forecast now
- Right Next Page : switch to the next city on the list
- Left Next Page : switch to the previous city on the list
No real jailbreak is needed, just a root access via ssh.
- Here how to do this => https://github.com/petervflocke/yakwd/blob/master/enablesshoverwifi.md
- Inspired by https://github.com/DDRBoxman/kindle-weather
- Tested on Kindle 4 Non Touch https://wiki.mobileread.com/wiki/Kindle4NTHacking
- To run it you need an API key from https://openweathermap.org/api
- If you do not want to install Golang, use a ready binary from bin folder. It was tested on Kindle 4 NT
- Download or clone this github repository
- Copy from project bin folder file
to your kindle (/var/tmp/root/
) - Copy the
folder to to your kindle (/var/tmp/root/
) - Copy
to to your kindle (/var/tmp/root/yakwd.json
) - update it as follow
- your own open weather API key.
- the city ids to be added to the table (at least one)
- an index for the first city to be displayed. Index starts from 0
- Copy
to your kindle/var/tmp/root/
- Run from ssh terminal on kindle:
- clone git repository
- install all used packages
- compile go source, see build file for target kindle architecture
- copy results including config, scripts and fonts files to your kindle.
In the yakwd.json you can configure which fonts shall be used. These are the ones I use:
"iconfont" : "/usr/java/lib/fonts/kindleweathersr.ttf",
"txtfont" : "/usr/java/lib/fonts/Helvetica_LT_65_Medium.ttf"
For the test and quick installation in a /var/tmp/root/ the local folder ./font/
with Robotosr.ttf and kindleweathersr.ttf can be used. If the fonts are not found, yakwd tries to load them from local .font folder.
For the default instalation kindleweathersr.ttf has to be copied into the kindle font directory.
- on kindle Make the root rw (
mntroot rw
) - from pc (s)copy
- Clone git repository
- Install all used packages
go get github.com/robfig/cron
go get github.com/briandowns/openweathermap
go get github.com/fogleman/gg
go get github.com/fogleman/gg
- Rename
- update as above in the quick installation section - Change to
"kindle" : 0,
to bypass all kindle dependent functions - Run go source from yakwd folder:
go run yakwd
The ouput graphic file out.png
is saved /tmp/
On Kindle:
- Login via ssh and change root system to writeable:
mntroot rw
On PC: from the project folder: (kindle = ip address of the kindle)
- Prepare yakwd.jason (API-Keys, City IDs, City index) see above descriptions
scp bin/yakwd root@kindle:/usr/local/bin/
scp fonts/kindleweathersr.ttf root@kindle:/usr/java/lib/fonts/
scp yakwd.json root@kindle:/etc/
scp yakwd.sh root@kindle:/usr/local/sbin/
On Kindle:
- Login via ssh and change root system to writeable:
mntroot ro
To start the application (no launcher on kindle) run from your PC or mobile:
ssh root@kindle "/usr/local/sbin/yakwd.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 &"
- Add init script for start at boot
- Reduce current consupmtion by adding sleep mode or switching off wifi when not needed
- Add family calendar view option, warnings from home automations system ,etc
- Out of scope: creating a Kindle "update" package, manual installation will be always required
Example from the alfa v1.0 Version with an own footer of location, time and battery
Pictures have a spot in the upper corner, it's a broken screen :(