The Easiest way to find Restroom
Restroom App used for Find nearest restroom written in Angular v1.5.3 and Ionic v1.3.1
- Include App & Server communication logic
- Play time saving (In my app, Save Auth_token & Review)
- Social authentication service(facebook auth)
- google Play store uploaded
- Deploy on the cloud server (Using AWS EC2, RDS)
- HTTP Response Validation
- Using Database Query (Using Postgres)
- Web server (node.js, AWS EC2 t2.micro Ubuntu 14.04)
- Using cloud service(AWS EC2, RDS)
- Add Friend, Ranking, Gift (In my app, Add review, Request new restroom)
- Restrful Api Design (Node.js)
- Push Notification
- Hybrid Application(IOS, Android. But Only Play Store. Because App Store Dev cost too expensive)
- CMS Service
- Ionic 1.3.1 - Advanced HTML5 Hybrid Mobile App Framework
- Angular 1.5.3 - Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework
- Mapbox.js - Design and publish beautiful maps
- ngCordova - Simple extensions for common Cordova Plugins
- cordova - Mobile apps With HTML, CSS & JS
- cordova-plugin-whitelist - This plugin implements a whitelist policy for navigating the application webview on Cordova 4.0
- cordova-plugin-inappbrowser - This plugin provides a web browser view that displays when calling
- ng-cordova-oauth - AngularJS oauth library for use with Apache Cordova projects
- Dev: Mac OS X 10.11 / Webstorm / Android Studio / Xcode / DataGrip / Postman
- Database: AWS RDS PostgreSQL 9.5.2
- Server: Node v4.4.7
- Server Env: AWS EC2 t2.micro Linux 14.04
- Client: Ionic 1.3
$ npm install -g cordova ionic
$ npm install
$ bower isntall
$ ionic add platform android
$ ionic emulate android(need to Android Studio or Avd)
$ ionic emulate ios (need to OS X, Xcode)
Restroom App is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.