Switch to OpenAPI Tools for generation #181
10 errors
Run make psalm || true:
../../src/Contract/Voter/AbstractListOperation.php:18:74: UndefinedClass: Class, interface or enum named ApiClients\Tools\OpenApiClientGenerator\Representation\Schema does not exist (see https://psalm.dev/019)
Run make psalm || true:
../../src/Generator/Client.php:70:55: NoInterfaceProperties: Interfaces cannot have properties (see https://psalm.dev/028)
Run make psalm || true:
../../src/Generator/Client.php:323:29: EmptyArrayAccess: Cannot access value on empty array variable (see https://psalm.dev/100)
Run make psalm || true:
../../src/Generator/Client.php:323:29: NoValue: All possible types for this argument were invalidated - This may be dead code (see https://psalm.dev/179)
Run make psalm || true:
../../src/Generator/Client.php:324:37: InvalidOperand: Cannot use spread operator on iterable with key type mixed (see https://psalm.dev/058)
Run make psalm || true:
../../src/Generator/Client.php:332:29: EmptyArrayAccess: Cannot access value on empty array variable (see https://psalm.dev/100)
Run make psalm || true:
../../src/Generator/Client.php:332:29: NoValue: All possible types for this argument were invalidated - This may be dead code (see https://psalm.dev/179)
Run make psalm || true:
../../src/Generator/Client.php:334:41: InvalidOperand: Cannot use spread operator on iterable with key type mixed (see https://psalm.dev/058)
Run make psalm || true:
../../src/Generator/Client.php:336:44: ReservedWord: Parameter cannot be never (see https://psalm.dev/095)
Run make psalm || true:
../../src/Generator/Client.php:358:29: PossiblyInvalidArgument: Argument 2 of ApiClients\Tools\OpenApiClientGenerator\Generator\Client::traverseOperations expects array<array-key, OpenAPITools\Representation\Namespaced\Operation>, but possibly different type PhpParser\Node|array<never, never> provided (see https://psalm.dev/092)