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stephencelis committed Apr 13, 2020
1 parent 0506da9 commit 347e85e
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// ComposableArchitecture.h
// ComposableArchitecture
// Created by Stephen Celis on 9/8/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Point-Free. All rights reserved.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

//! Project version number for ComposableArchitecture.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT double ComposableArchitectureVersionNumber;

//! Project version string for ComposableArchitecture.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char ComposableArchitectureVersionString[];

// In this header, you should import all the public headers of your framework using statements like #import <ComposableArchitecture/PublicHeader.h>

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import CasePaths
import Combine
import SwiftUI

//(inout RandomNumberGenerator) -> A
struct Gen<A> {
let run: (inout RandomNumberGenerator) -> A

//(inout Substring) -> A?
struct Parser<A> {
let run: (inout Substring) -> A?

//(@escaping (A) -> Void) -> Void
//struct Effect<A> {
// let run: (@escaping (A) -> Void) -> Void

//public typealias Reducer<Value, Action, Environment> = (inout Value, Action, Environment) -> [Effect<Action>]
public struct Reducer<Value, Action, Environment> {
let reducer: (inout Value, Action, Environment) -> [Effect<Action>]

public init(_ reducer: @escaping (inout Value, Action, Environment) -> [Effect<Action>]) {
self.reducer = reducer

extension Reducer {
public func callAsFunction(_ value: inout Value, _ action: Action, _ environment: Environment) -> [Effect<Action>] {
self.reducer(&value, action, environment)

extension Reducer {
public static func combine(_ reducers: Reducer...) -> Reducer {
.init { value, action, environment in
let effects = reducers.flatMap { $0(&value, action, environment) }
return effects

//public func combine<Value, Action, Environment>(
// _ reducers: Reducer<Value, Action, Environment>...
//) -> Reducer<Value, Action, Environment> {
// .init { value, action, environment in
// let effects = reducers.flatMap { $0(&value, action, environment) }
// return effects
// }

extension Reducer {
public func pullback<GlobalValue, GlobalAction, GlobalEnvironment>(
value: WritableKeyPath<GlobalValue, Value>,
action: CasePath<GlobalAction, Action>,
environment: @escaping (GlobalEnvironment) -> Environment
) -> Reducer<GlobalValue, GlobalAction, GlobalEnvironment> {
.init { globalValue, globalAction, globalEnvironment in
guard let localAction = action.extract(from: globalAction) else { return [] }
let localEffects = self(&globalValue[keyPath: value], localAction, environment(globalEnvironment))

return { localEffect in

//public func pullback<LocalValue, GlobalValue, LocalAction, GlobalAction, LocalEnvironment, GlobalEnvironment>(
// _ reducer: Reducer<LocalValue, LocalAction, LocalEnvironment>,
// value: WritableKeyPath<GlobalValue, LocalValue>,
// action: CasePath<GlobalAction, LocalAction>,
// environment: @escaping (GlobalEnvironment) -> LocalEnvironment
//) -> Reducer<GlobalValue, GlobalAction, GlobalEnvironment> {
// return .init { globalValue, globalAction, globalEnvironment in
// guard let localAction = action.extract(from: globalAction) else { return [] }
// let localEffects = reducer(&globalValue[keyPath: value], localAction, environment(globalEnvironment))
// return { localEffect in
// .eraseToEffect()
// }
// }

extension Reducer {
public func logging(
printer: @escaping (Environment) -> (String) -> Void = { _ in { print($0) } }
) -> Reducer {
.init { value, action, environment in
let effects = self(&value, action, environment)
let newValue = value
let print = printer(environment)
return [.fireAndForget {
print("Action: \(action)")
var dumpedNewValue = ""
dump(newValue, to: &dumpedNewValue)
}] + effects

//public func logging<Value, Action, Environment>(
// _ reducer: Reducer<Value, Action, Environment>
//) -> Reducer<Value, Action, Environment> {
// return .init { value, action, environment in
// let effects = reducer(&value, action, environment)
// let newValue = value
// return [.fireAndForget {
// print("Action: \(action)")
// print("Value:")
// dump(newValue)
// print("---")
// }] + effects
// }

public final class Store<Value, Action> {
private let reducer: Reducer<Value, Action, Any>
private let environment: Any
@Published private var value: Value
private var viewCancellable: Cancellable?
private var effectCancellables: Set<AnyCancellable> = []

public init<Environment>(
initialValue: Value,
reducer: Reducer<Value, Action, Environment>,
environment: Environment
) {
self.reducer = .init { value, action, environment in
reducer(&value, action, environment as! Environment)
self.value = initialValue
self.environment = environment

private func send(_ action: Action) {
let effects = self.reducer(&self.value, action, self.environment)
effects.forEach { effect in
var effectCancellable: AnyCancellable?
var didComplete = false
effectCancellable = effect.sink(
receiveCompletion: { [weak self, weak effectCancellable] _ in
didComplete = true
guard let effectCancellable = effectCancellable else { return }
receiveValue: { [weak self] in self?.send($0) }
if !didComplete, let effectCancellable = effectCancellable {

public func scope<LocalValue, LocalAction>(
value toLocalValue: @escaping (Value) -> LocalValue,
action toGlobalAction: @escaping (LocalAction) -> Action
) -> Store<LocalValue, LocalAction> {
let localStore = Store<LocalValue, LocalAction>(
initialValue: toLocalValue(self.value),
reducer: .init { localValue, localAction, _ in
localValue = toLocalValue(self.value)
return []
environment: self.environment
localStore.viewCancellable = self.$value
.sink { [weak localStore] newValue in
localStore?.value = newValue
return localStore

public final class ViewStore<Value, Action>: ObservableObject {
@Published public fileprivate(set) var value: Value
fileprivate var cancellable: Cancellable?
public let send: (Action) -> Void

public init(
initialValue value: Value,
send: @escaping (Action) -> Void
) {
self.value = value
self.send = send

extension Store where Value: Equatable {
public var view: ViewStore<Value, Action> {
self.view(removeDuplicates: ==)

extension Store {
public func view(
removeDuplicates predicate: @escaping (Value, Value) -> Bool
) -> ViewStore<Value, Action> {
let viewStore = ViewStore(
initialValue: self.value,
send: self.send

viewStore.cancellable = self.$value
.removeDuplicates(by: predicate)
.sink(receiveValue: { [weak viewStore] value in
viewStore?.value = value

return viewStore
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import Combine

public struct Effect<Output>: Publisher {
public typealias Failure = Never

let publisher: AnyPublisher<Output, Failure>

public func receive<S>(
subscriber: S
) where S: Subscriber, Failure == S.Failure, Output == S.Input {
self.publisher.receive(subscriber: subscriber)

extension Effect {
public static func fireAndForget(work: @escaping () -> Void) -> Effect {
return Deferred { () -> Empty<Output, Never> in
return Empty(completeImmediately: true)

public static func sync(work: @escaping () -> Output) -> Effect {
return Deferred {

extension Publisher where Failure == Never {
public func eraseToEffect() -> Effect<Output> {
return Effect(publisher: self.eraseToAnyPublisher())

extension Publisher where Output == Never, Failure == Never {
public func fireAndForget<A>() -> Effect<A> {

private func absurd<A>(_ never: Never) -> A {}
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
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// ComposableArchitectureTestSupport.h
// ComposableArchitectureTestSupport
// Created by Stephen Celis on 2/6/20.
// Copyright © 2020 Point-Free. All rights reserved.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

//! Project version number for ComposableArchitectureTestSupport.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT double ComposableArchitectureTestSupportVersionNumber;

//! Project version string for ComposableArchitectureTestSupport.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char ComposableArchitectureTestSupportVersionString[];

// In this header, you should import all the public headers of your framework using statements like #import <ComposableArchitectureTestSupport/PublicHeader.h>


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