What is next js - Next.js is a flexible React framework that gives you building blocks to create fast web applications.
Benefite of next js -
- Different render technique [ static, server, incremental side regeneration]
- Performance [ code splitting, minifying, image optimize, pre-fetching assets]
- File based routing
- SEO - make your page top of other by doing proper formatting of page/code.
- Serverless fundtion - call function start server-> execute with new server -> shut down.
Why next.js popular.
- Create new project discover coffee store, and run dev server also see how it is llok like in browser.
- upgrade version of next and lib & fix issue.
- feature of next.js
- Fast refresh
- CSS modules work based on scope on same name class
- Background update and text color.
- Banner component.
- Routing in next
- Add routRoutinger
- Dynamic routing with custom ID
- Linking non-dynamic
- By 'a' with referesh page, also for external links
- By 'Link' without refresh page, linking within application
- Linking dynamic
- By 'Link' mention path
- Home page update style.
- Hero image on home
- image component
- Font download and apply
- Create document file
- Html have 2 part - head & body
- _app.js is responsible for only 'body', and routing for all page
- 'html', 'head' can be done by _document.js [ entire application]
- Pre-rendering, hydration
- Rendering techniques
- SSG : static generation
- ISR : incremental site regeneration
- SSR : server side renedering
- Performance
- CDN - content delivery network
- SSG - generate at build time external data [ without load all static files, with fetch api data in advance and pre-render later after build ]
- ISG - reload data after every time period & generate HTML
- SSR - server side rendering . new HTML generate every time
- CSR - all operation handle on client side. rendering pages directly in the browser using JavaScript
- component arch
- Card component
- apply card style
- grid layout for card
- add coffee store data [ json ]
- add coffee store on page
- pre-render in coffee store page getStaticProps
- implement Static site generation - with external data
- Characteristics of Get Static Props
- coffee store heading
- getStaticPaths implement
- Characteristics of Get Static Paths
- getStaticPaths in code
- fallback key
- show coffee data in dynamic page
- fallback true and false cases
- refactor page update name of dynamic page
- Coffee store details page
- add icon and image
- Coffee store page styling
- Foursquare account set-up and ket generate
- Foursquare place api
- rate limit
- Foursquare API playground
- Foursquare get static paths
- Fetch API async await
- Env local variable vs next.config
- coffee store lib
- Update foursquare api in getStaticPaths
- update coffee store details data
- set-up unsplash API
- invoke unsplash api p-1
- invoke unsplash api p-2
- update coffee-store library with images
- unsplash api per page -30
- display all coffee store card image
- update each card with different image
- update app styling
Section-8 :
- Geolocation api
- using react hook
- creat hook for retrieving location
- use hook for getting location
- use effect in function
- CSR, client side rendering
- display coffee store by location
- refresh dynamic route (non static)
- fallback in next
- use react context and why use it
- create store context
- create store reducer in context
- store coffee stores in StoreContext
- coffee store page with context
- coffee store page for non SSG route
- refactor coffee store page
Section-9 :
- what is API [Application programming interface]
- serverless function
- api routing
- hello world api route
- create serverless function
- catch all routes
- if route exit with correct name it works [ pub.js ]
- if route not exit it will catch any route [ 123/sfds anything]
- create serverless function for coffee store
- invoke serverless function
- serverless function inside get static props- we will stay with getting data directly in get static props next doc suggest don't call api inside static props because it is run at build time or pre-rendering.
Section-10 :
- Project Architecture
- Airtable
- set-up airtable
- API Architecture
- Airtable library
- coffee store aPI / Serverless function
- API design
- Find coffee store api
- transfrom coffee store data
- airtable doc, create record
- api error handling
- refactor coffee-store api
- invoke airtable api in coffee store page
- Coffee Stores are created twice and React Strict Mode
- invoke coffee store api from details page
- create coffee store for static gengerated route
Section-11 :
- SWR Design
- voting feature design
- coffee store by ID api
- coffee store by id validate
- refector coffee store by id api
- what is SWR - Stale while revalidate
- SWR doc fetch api
- Use swr in coffee store page
- API Design: Favourite Coffee Store By Id API
- API Docs: Favourite Coffee Store By Id API
- Favourite coffee store by Id API
- Favourite coffee store by Id api wrap
- Invoke favourite coffee store by id api
- application demo
- airtable final demo
- refactor and clean-up
Section-12 :
- what is deployment
- note : running next build
- running app in next build
- cloud ready application
- setting up git repo
- create git repo and puch code
- Coffee stores appear from different location on Vercel
- deployment to vercel
- vercel dashboard walkthrough
- vercel production build files
- what is netlify
- netlify deployment
- netlify plugin update
- netlify deployment configuration changes
- lighthouse performance
- lighthouse score
- lighthouse improvement