A simple API that already provide basic features of the forum web application and implemented in Golang language. This project is sample of production ready API that already has JWT auth system, logger, test, and also openAPI/swagger docs.
Here is summary general structure (folder and important files) in the project and It's short description, where structure separation itself is mainly based on It's context and functionality.
- api: Stuff that related to source code of the API itself
- auth: Stuff that specifically related to auth system
- controllers: Functions that handling request as the end/terminal handler, so function here is main judge to giving response of the request.
- database: Stuff that related to interact with DB
- logger: Stuff that related to writing log of the API
- middlewares: Functions that placed as an intermediate component that passed by the request and response
- models: Structure that used as the DB table's schema representation in Go, and also being model for request-response format and It's corresponding casting function/method
- routers: Function that define endpoint path and It's pipeline or route or function chain that become request-response way
- utils: Helper function to help implement other functionalities faster, easier, and less redundant
- server.go: Go code that become gateway (startup) of the API
- docs: Related to the documentation of the project, especially of the API
- assets: Static file that being served as the content of the docs (such as images, etc)
- swaggerui: Satic file that specifically for the file server of the swagger docs
- logs: Log file(s) of the API
- migrations: Go source code that needed to migrate model/schema to the DB
- seeders: Go source code that needed to seed/insert data/record to the DB
- main.go: Go code that become gateway of the project application
- .env: Environment variable that used to run this app
- *.sh: Shell console code that highly needed and packed to help operation of the project
Here is the details of model's schema that used in the DB
- User -> users
- ID: uint32 -> id: bigint (bigserial)
- Username: string -> username: varchar(255) unique not null
- Email: string -> email: varchar(255) unique not null
- Password: string -> password: varchar(255) not null
- CreatedAt: time.Time -> created_at: timestamp
- UpdatedAt: time.Time -> updated_at: timestamp
- Thread -> threads
- ID: uint64 -> id: bigint (bigserial)
- Title: string -> title: varchar(255) not null
- Topic: string -> topic: varchar(255) not null
- CreatorID: uint32 -> creator_id: bigint
- Creator: User
- Posts: []Post
- CreatedAt: time.Time -> created_at: timestamp
- UpdatedAt: time.Time -> updated_at: timestamp
- Post -> posts
- ID: serial, uint64
- AuthorID: uint64 -> author_id: bigint
- Author: User
- ThreadID: uint64 -> thread_id: bigint
- Thread: Thread
- Content: string -> topic: teet not null
- CreatedAt: time.Time -> created_at: timestamp
- UpdatedAt: time.Time -> updated_at: timestamp
And the relations basically are
- One-to-Many between User and Thread -> threads.creator_id referencing users.id
- One-to-Many between User and Post -> posts.author_id referencing users.id
- One-to-Many between Thread and Thread -> posts.thread_id referencing threads.id
More details of the API endpoint you could see in the swagger docs, but here are summary of the available endpoints:
- SwaggerUI Docs in
[get] - User
[post] -> DTO reqBody: Credentials, resBody: Claims/signup
[post] -> DTO reqBody: RegistrationRequest/users
[get] -> queries: maxid, minid, username, page, pagesize, DTO resBody: (array of) UserResponse/users
[patch] -> DTO reqBody: : UserUpdateRequest/users/{id}
[get] -> DTO resBody: UserResponse/users/{id}
[delete] -> DTO resBody: UserResponse
- Thread
[get] -> queries: title, topic, userid, username, page, pagesize, DTO resBody: (array of) Thread/threads
[post] -> DTO reqBody: ThreadCreateRequest/threads
[patch] -> DTO reqBody: ThreadUpdateRequest/threads/{id}
[get] -> DTO resBody: Thread/threads/{id}
[delete] -> DTO resBody: Thread
- Post
[get] -> queries: content, userid, username, page, pagesize, DTO resBody: (array of) Post/posts
[post] -> DTO reqBody: PostCreateRequest/posts
[patch] -> DTO reqBody: PostUpdateRequest/posts/{id}
[delete] -> -> DTO resBody: Post
Authentication schema used is by using Bearer token that specified in Authorization header and has format
{Header Key} {Header body}
Authorization Bearer <your_token>
Authorization Bearer <header>.<body>.<signature>
- Go, here I'm using v1.13.
- PostgreSQL, and here I'm using v13.1.
- Linux OS (optional), recommended using Ubuntu-based distros since I'm using Ubuntu 20.04.
- Docker (optional), if you want to containerize the app and the db.
- Postman (optional), to use or test the API with forging requests directly, and could be used to open postman_collection.json that include request sample of every endpoints.
- Browser (optional), such as Firefox or Chrome, which is needed to see swaggerui static file from the fileserver.
as Object Relational Mapping (ORM) library that I used in this project to access database, andgorm.io/driver/postgres
as the mandatory driver that ORM need to access Postgre DB.github.com/gorilla/mux
as routing helper, andgithub.com/gorilla/context
as helper to passing data through the middleware.github.com/sirupsen/logrus
as main library to help logging the API andgithub.com/rifflock/lfshook
as hook library to write file to the file.github.com/asaskevich/govalidator
as helper library to help validate input.github.com/mikunalpha/goas
as helper to make swagger spec from the comments in the source code.github.com/joho/godotenv
to help fetch environment var from a file.github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go
library that needed to make JWT-based auth.github.com/go-errors/errors
helps to checking or handling things that related to error type.
For run the API for the first time, make sure to do these steps:
- Set the environment variable in the
file to the value that approriate (like for the port/name it should be not used). On later command, please set the corresponding value to make it consistent. - Prepare application that needed, minimum Go and PostgreSQL.
You also could use dockerized version API from create the docker image with the
, and the PostgreSQL's instance in a docker container with command ininit_db.sh
, or simply you could just run in terminalOr you could use this command directly to be executedsh init_db.sh
sudo docker pull postgres sudo docker container run -d --name=pg-forum -p 5400:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e PGDATA=/pgdata_docker -v /pgdata_docker:/pgdata_docker postgres # This will map port 5400 host to postgres port (5432) PGPASSWORD='postgres' psql -h localhost -p 5400 -U postgres -c "create database forum_db"
- Install every Go library listed in
with below commandor fromgo mod tidy
file if you're using and familiar with glide. - Before start the API, It's mandatory to migrate the models, and you could seed the data if It's needed (will be explained later).
Alternatively, you could do step 2-3 with docker compose by executing command below
docker-compose up
This command will run the spec in docker-compose.yml
Running the application is just run the main.go
in the root of the project based on main function of the app that you want to use
go run main.go
- Migrate Models
go run main.go -- migrate
- Seed Data
go run main.go -- seed
Or you could try to build the projct first and then try to execute it with corresponding schema that written above. For example you could run this command below
go build -o main
./main # or ./main -- test or ./main -- migrate
To test the application just run code in the run_tests.sh
, or simply you could just run in terminal
sh run_tests.sh
Or you could try to execute the command manually
go run main.go -- seed
go test -v ./api/controllers/post_test.go
go test -v ./api/controllers/thread_test.go
go test -v ./api/controllers/user_test.go
go run main.go -- seed # or go run main.go -- migrate
In case you add other test and want to run them all you could execute this instead
go run main.go -- seed
go test -v ./... -count 1 -p 1 # The flag is used to make the test run single-threadedly
go run main.go -- seed # or go run main.go -- migrate
And see if there is any fail on it.
- Still can't log GORM query into a file.
- Log message into terminal still has bad format (spacing).