Firefox user.js hardening configuration to prevent anti-tracking, privacy and security when browsing the internet.
How to Install the user.js script in your browser: Firstly ensure you have Secure_Ip_Tor_Changer from installed and running or you ca use the standalone browser version of the project from
Close your Browser:
Download the user.js script into your download directory
a. git clone
Create a new Firefox profile to prevent any issues with your current browser profile using the command:
b. firefox -CreateProfile privatesecure
Verify the profile was created using the command below. A dialog box should appear with various profiles including the one you just created. privatesecure
c. firefox -ProfileManager
Click on your created profile privatesecure and check the button Use the selected profile without asking at startup if it is unchecked
Go into Firefox hidden directory. The directory will be a random 8 strings with a .privatesecure
e. cd ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxxxx.privatesecure
Copy the user.js file from your downloads to the firefox folder
f. cp /home/kali/Downloads/Secure_Docs/user.js ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxxxx.privatesecure
NOTE: If you have integrated firejail and app-armor for additional browser security and microsegmentation For Step 3 and 4 use
i) firejail firefox -ProfileManager
ii) firejail firefox -CreateProfile secure