Release Notes
MAJOR FEATURE ADDITION : Added new module for computing FIR Filters Coefficients using different methods, and applying them to signals:
Added Abstract Class for FIRFilter
FIR Window Method - FirWin1 and FirWin2
FIR Least Squares Method - FIRLS
Added Kaiser window class
Added Chebyshev Series Evaluation function
Added 0th Order modified Bessel order evaluation function
Added sinc() evaluation function - numeric and array operation
Added a linear interpolation function called interpolate()
Added a function called isSorted() to check if array is sorted in a specific order
Added Hankel & Toeplitz construction from vector
Added Ricker and Morlet wavelet generator
Changed interface name from _FrequencyFilter to _IIRFilter. This is for clarification and support during development of FIR Filter methods.
Added Autocorrelation as a feature in CrossCorrelation class
Convolution and CrossCorrelation can now have window size > signal size
Added returnComplex() to DFT which returns a complex array
You can’t perform that action at this time.