August 2024 - This is an early implementation, not all features have been implemented. Documentation is also not complete. If you find a problem please raise an issue or submit a PR
is a Memgraph database adapter for the Swift programming language.
It is implemented as a wrapper around mgclient, the official Memgraph C/C++
client library.
Add the following to your dependencies array in Package.swift:
.package(url: "", .branch("master"))
Below is a simple example that connects to a local memgraph instance and creates and then retrieves a simple graph. See Getting started with Memgraph on how to get this running.
// Connect to the local memgraph instance
let connectParams = ConnectParams(host: "localhost", lazy: false)
let connection = try Connection.connect(params: connectParams)
// Create simple graph.
try connection.executeWithoutResults(query: """
CREATE (p1:Person {name: 'Alice'})-[l1:Likes]->(m:Software {name: 'Memgraph'})
CREATE (p2:Person {name: 'John'})-[l2:Likes]->(m)
CREATE (p3:Person {name: 'Peter'})-[l3:Likes]->(x:Software {name: 'Neo4j'});
// Fetch the graph.
let columns = try connection.execute(query: "MATCH (n)-[r]->(m) RETURN n, r, m;", params: nil)
print("Columns: \(columns.joined(separator: ", "))")
for record in try connection.fetchall() {
for value in record.values {
switch value {
case .node(let node):
case .relationship(let edge):