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MyNorg: Convert all my notes into norg format.

Pandoc json -> norg converter written in Nim language.

*This README is generated from ./README.norg.

Table of Contents

Get Started



  • minorg help
This is a multiple-dispatch command.  -h/--help/--help-syntax is available
for top-level/all subcommands.  Usage is like:
    minorg {SUBCMD} [subcommand-opts & args]
where subcommand syntaxes are as follows:

  generate [optional-params]
      --version            bool    false  print version
      -i=, --input=        string  ""     Input file. Leave it blank to use stdin.
      -o=, --output=       string  ""     Output file. Leave it blank to use stdout.
      -v, --verbose        bool    false  Outputs debug info to stderr.
      -f, --force          bool    false  Overwrite files and create parent folders if needed.
      --isObsidian         bool    false  set isObsidian
      -w=, --workRootDir=  string  ""     set workRootDir


Pandoc and Usage

Pandoc is able to convert files from one markup format into another. We use this tool to parse arbitrary markup format into its AST represented in json format as defined in Pandoc Type Definition.

Pandoc accepts two arguments -f (from) and -t (to) to specify the format of the file. As noted above, we want the json representation so the output must be -t json.

$ pandoc -f '<file-format>' -t json '<input-file-name>' | minorg generate -o '<output-file-name>.norg'

The input file format depends on the file you want to convert from. Here is a list of some common files.

  • markdown: markdown format (.md), Obsidian file
  • gfm: GitHub-flavored Markdown
  • html: HTML4 / HTML5
  • latex: LaTeX document

Read this page for information on more file formats.

Basic Usage

  • Use -i, -o flags (--input, --output)
$ pandoc -f markdown -t json -o parsed.json ./your/markdown/
$ minorg generate -i parsed.json -o output.norg
  • Use stdin, stdout
$ pandoc -f markdown -t json ./your/markdown/ | minorg generate > output.norg

Other Useful Flags

  • -v, --verbose
    • Please use this flag to report issues.
  • -f, --force
    • Force overwrite output file if exists.
    • Also automatically creates parent directories if not exists.

Obsidian Notes

This parser also takes some amount of care of obsidian specific format. Please use the --isObsidian flag and read Obsidian section for more information.

Recursive Directory of Markdown

This is a shell script which scans the folder recursively for files with "*.md" extension and applies pandoc -> minorg compo to those files. This converts foo/ into foo/ However I will suggest first trying out few files manually to check if this converter generates the desired output for you. If you are satisfied, go for all, if you are not, feel free to submit a support request.

command find . -type f -name '*.md' | while read f; do
  pandoc -f markdown -t json "$f" | minorg generate -o "${f}.norg"

Known Issues

File Linking

It is very hard to distinguish what link pattern should be used.

  • URL: {}
  • Norg files
    • Relative to current file: {:foo/bar:} -> foo/bar.norg
    • Absolute path: {:/tmp/foo/bar:} -> /tmp/foo/bar.norg. (Also works with ~/ = $HOME/)
    • Relative to current workspace: {:$/foo/bar:} -> ~/Norg/Notes/foo/bar.norg
    • Relative to different workspace: {:$work/foo/bar:} -> ~/Norg/work/foo/bar.norg
  • Usual files: {/ /path/to/file}
  • Headings: Heading 1


|example Is Not Restored Correctly

This is a problem in norganic / Norg.jl.

Softbreak Not Preserved

When the original note (especially markdown) had softbreaks (single new line to format the document but does not mean a new paragraph), that new line does not get transferred to the generated file.

  • fix softbreak
  • Modifier chars (i.e. bold, italic, ...) cannot be escaped when they are used as a real symbol.

Markdown TODO Not Working

According to pandoc -f markdown -t json, bullet list with todo (- [ ]) is treated as a simple ["-", " ", "[", " ", "]"] which cannot be converted to norg style (- ( )).

  • Fix markdown style todo items


Obsidian Style Tags Are Not Working

It seems that when the line above a header is not empty, pandoc does not recognize it as a header but rather a paragraph.

#obsidiantag1 #obsidiantag2
# A Header
  • Convert them to tags in norg format
    • ❗ Use the --isObsidian flag to enable this parse mode.
    • Also pass --workRootDir=/path/to/workspace to link with other files (Required).

Wikilinks Are Not Working

Obsidian uses its own format to link to other files in the directory. Obviously this is not an official markdown syntax, and pandoc cannot parse it.

[[file name]] -> `./somewhere/in/the/directory/file\`
![[file name]] -> `./somewhere/in/the/directory/file\ name.png` # Image support
  • Implement a workaround
    • See Obsidian Style Tags Are Not Working for the fix.
      • --isObsidian and --workRootDir required.
    • TODOs
      • [[file name]] -> {:$/somewhere/in/workspace/file name:} (norg file)
      • [[file name.txt]] -> {/ $/somewhere/in/workspace/file name.txt} (normal file)
      • ![[file name.png]] -> .image $/somewhere/in/workspace/file\ name.png (image file)
      • [[file name#header]] -> {:$/somewhere/in/workspace/file name:# head1} (norg file with any level heading)
      • [[file name#head1#head2]] -> {:$/somewhere/in/workspace/file name:* head1 : ** head2} (norg file with chained headings)
      • [[file name|display name]] -> {:$/somewhere/in/workspace/file name:}[display name] (norg file with display name)
      • [[file name.txt|display name]] -> {/ $/somewhere/in/workspace/file name.txt}[display name] (normal file with display name)
      • ![[file name.png|display name]] -> .alt display\ name\\n.image $/somewhere/in/workspace/file\ name.png (image file with alt text)
      • [[unknown]] -> [[unknown]] (file not found: do nothing)

Compile From Source

This project is written in nim language. You will need the nim compiler and the package manager nimble.

Install choosenim and nim Compiler

If you don't have nim installed yet, I strongly suggest using choosenim to install the required toolkit. Please read the Choosenim Installation. Below is the instruction for unix systems.

$ curl -sSf | sh
$ export PATH="$HOME/.nimble/bin:$PATH"
$ choosenim stable
# install stable version of nim and nimble
# ... this may take a while
$ nim -v
# ! check nim version >= 2.0.0

Setup nimble and Compile

nimble is the package manager for nim (should be installed into $HOME/.nimble/bin by choosenim). Setup for this repo is very easy.

$ git clone
$ cd minorg/
$ nimble setup
# ... Download dependencies and setup the environment.
$ nimble build -d:release
# Compile ./minorg.nim (you may omit -d:release)
$ ./minorg help
# Run compiled binary. Pass `help` as an argument to get started.


Any contribution is welcome! And don't hesitate to send me an issue.

Fix Code and Recompile

$ pandoc -f markdown -t json -o parsed.json
$ nim r ./minorg.nim generate -i parsed.json -v

Run nim r ./minorg.nim help for more options.


All files in this repository without annotation are licensed under the GPL-3.0 license as detailed in LICENSE.

Other Projects

  • norg-pandoc
    • norg -> pandoc exporter written in lua.
  • norganic + Norg.jl
    • Another norg -> pandoc exporter written in julia.
    • Parser is written in Norg.jl and norganic is its frontend to be used from the command line.
  • tree-sitter-norg3
    • Parser of the norg format written for tree-sitter.
    • Once this is mature, we should not require minorg anymore as this parser should handle the work better.
  • Norg-Tutorial
    • Tutorial for the norg file format and neorg plugin.
    • Read the Export / Import section for more explanation to export / import your notes to and from norg files.