#Swift Monitoring : Nagios
This repo contains script for Monitoring of Openstack-Swift. This could be used by Nagios over NRPE to get the status of Swift Installation.
Usage :
'-a', '--authURL', required=True,
help="Auth URL for getting the auth token ")
'-u', '--username', required=True,
help="Username for getting the auth token ")
'-k', '--key', required=True,
help="Password for the user for getting auth token")
'-x', '--tenant', required=True,
help="tenant name for getting auth token")
'-c', '--container', default='check_swift',
help="name of container to upload")
'-s', '--sizemax', default='1024', type=int,
help="max sized file to be uploaded"
Returns four states under following conditions
STATE_OK : When upload+download+delete commands work fine
STATE_UNKNOWN : Swift command not found/not installed
STATE_WARNING : Swift Seems fine, problem with this script
STATE_CRITICAL: Swift has problmes uploading/downloading/deleting '''