Generates a file dysbiosis_Score.csv with participantIDs, dysbiosis_score and a logical called dysbiotic to show which samples are characterized as dysbiotic.
This code is modified from the HMP2 bitbucket repository
It attempts to generate figure 2c in the "Multi-omics of the gut microbial ecosystem in inflammatory bowel diseases",(Lloyd-Price et al., and calculates the dysbiotic score for patients present in the metagenomics dataset.
Steps needed to generate this score (taken from the paper's description of the dysbiotic score and the code @ bitbucket)
- Select Metagenomics samples from taxonomic_profiles.tsv.gz that have filter_reads >= 1 M reads
- Select a reference set of nonIBD patients with week_num >= 20
- Select taxonomic rank as species level and discard everything without species assigned
- Noramlize samples to sum of 1
- Calculate bray-curtis dissimilarity matrix
- Calculate the activity index as the median Bray–Curtis dissimilarity to this reference sample set, excluding samples that came from the same subject.
- Calcualte a dysbiosis threshold as the 90th percentile of this score for non-IBD samples.
Here is a plot similar to Fig 2c generated using the code in IBD_HMP2_dysbiosis_score.R