Minishell is a small C shell that allows you to run commands in the terminal. It provides a simple command line interface for users to interact with the operating system.
To install Readline on Linux, just use the system package manager.
On Ubuntu, you can run the following command:
sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev
On macOS, you can use the Homebrew package manager:
brew install readline
To compile Minishell, simply type the following command at the command line:
This will compile the source code and generate an executable file called a minishell.
To run MiniShell, simply type the following command at the command line:
This will launch the shell and you can start typing commands.
Minishell supports basic shell commands such as cd, ls, echo, pwd, and exit. In addition, it also supports input and output redirection using > and < characters.
If you want to contribute to Minishell, feel free to open a pull request. Every help is welcome!