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Template for Laboratory Research

Getting Started

  1. Create a GitHub Account by visiting this site

  2. Set Up Your Repository
    After verifying your email, return to this repository and click Use this template > Create a new repository.

    • Repository Name: Choose a brief, descriptive name for your project, such as opsin_evolution.
    • Privacy Setting: Select the private option to keep your repository secure.
  3. Edit files
    You have multiple options:

    • Edit any file on the website by clicking the icon in the page displaying the file.
    • You can use a cloud version of VScode to edit file in a more "editor"-like environment. To do this, substitute by in the file URL keeping everything else the same.
    • You can also edit the file in any other text editor on your local computer. Instructions for using VScode locally are provided below.
  4. Download Visual Studio Code
    Install Visual Studio Code on your computer.

  5. Sign In to GitHub in VS Code
    Open Visual Studio Code and log in with your GitHub account credentials.

  6. Install Git
    For Mac Users:
    Open the terminal and run:

    xcode-select --install

    Verify the installation by running:

    git --version
  7. Clone Your Repository
    To import (clone) your repository to your local computer:

    • Open the Command Palette in VS Code (Cmd+Shift+P on macOS or Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows/Linux).
    • Type "Git: Clone" and select it.
    • Paste your repository URL and choose a local directory for saving the project.
    • Refer to this guide for help.
  8. Track Changes and Synchronize Repositories
    Use the Source Control panel in VS Code (Ctrl+Shift+G) to manage changes. A detailed step-by-step guide is available here

How to use this template

  • In each project's repository, open an Issue to discuss ideas, experiments, analyses, or literature.
    • Create or edit Issue templates (e.g. for Literature, Ideas, Experiments, Analyses) to streamline this process.
    • Find a step-by-step guide here
  • Experiments, Analyses, Grants, Presentations, and Manuscripts go into separate folders.
  • Each project contributor creates a sub-folder within the above folders to store their work.
  • Do not store data files in the repository. Instead, create symbolic links from where the data is stored (e.g. server or cloud-based storage) so it can be easily accessed in the future.
  • The described structure allows all users to be able push to the main branch without introducing merge conflicts, so we do not generally find added benefit in using branches.




        |--ANALYSIS_TYPE (eg. NGS)
                    |--data_type_1 (eg. genome)
                    |--data_type_2 (eg. sra)
        |--ANALYSIS_TYPE (eg. flow)
                    |--data_type_1 (eg. facs)



Grants & Fellowships




Software Installation

  • Install Docker and VSCode.
  • In VSCode, install the Remote Tunnels extension.
  • Use Docker to pull the containers necessary for your analyses. Commonly used containers from our registry include:
  • To start a container from the command line on your computer, do:
docker pull
docker run -i -d --name pandoc-latex -v $HOME:$HOME
  • You can also use any of the above containers from within VSCode. For example, we commonly use the R and Python container for interactive analyses (e.g. Jupyter notebooks) in VSCode from our institution's cluster. See instructions here for how to set this up.


  • Write your presentations as markdown files following the template here.
  • Use vscode-reveal extension to open or export the markdown file as a reveal.js presentation.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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