Created using the Flutter framework with the hopes of improving the overall scouting experience.
📡 Wireless Data Transfer1 🧮 Builtin data analysis2 (DUC) 📱 Customizable Interface3 📝 Local Data Storage4 📈 CSV Exporting 🗂️ QR Code Exporting5 🖥️ Cross Platform6 ⚙️ Multi Platform Compatible7 ... and more
The GitHub Releases are always ahead of app store releases!
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Wireless Data transfer is implemented using a Bluetooth PAN backed by TCP ↩
The built-in data collector (DUC) is used to simplify data calculations by providing on-demand statistics ↩
The user can choose from various themes built right into the app along with also customizing the look and feel of the app via the settings ↩
A scouter's data will be stored on their device and can be collected at any time ↩
QR Codes come in two flavors: DUC formatted and raw formatted. DUC is a compressed internal format while raw is either JSON or CSV ↩
Argus supports various platforms, from iOS to Android to OSX to Windows to Linux ↩
Since Argus is cross-platform, it can stay compatible & consistent when data is exchanged between various platforms
↩Copyright (C) Jack Meng (exoad) 2023-2024. All Rights Reserved.