Language Detection
- detection of script and natural and programming languages
- features 852 natural languages
- meta information about languages and highlight.js support for code
var Language = require('./build/Language/main').default;
var text = `Su vida estuvo marcada por el infortunio de contraer poliomielitis y
después por un grave accidente en su juventud que la mantuvo postrada en cama
durante largos periodos, llegando a someterse hasta a 32 operaciones quirúrgicas.`;
var language = new Language();
var result = language.detect(text);
npm i
node test
See ./test.js
You can use it in the browser as well –
For client side use you should narrow down the default languages to those you support.
See ./build/Language/fingerprints for all languages.
constructor (
// maximum for detection results
count: any = 5,
// minimum string.length for detection
minLength = 20,
natural: any = {
// detect these human languages :
languages: [
'zh', 'es', 'en', 'hi', 'ar', 'pt', 'bn', 'ru', 'ja', 'pa',
'de', 'jv', 'id', 'te', 'vi', 'ko', 'fr', 'mr', 'ta', 'ur',
'tr', 'it', 'th', 'gu', 'nan', 'fa', 'pl', 'uk', 'ro', 'nl',
'hu', 'el', 'sv', 'da', 'fi', 'ca', 'he', 'bs'
// if minimum detection score is not reached ...
fallback: 'en',
// include meta informations for human languages
inclMeta: true,
// recommended settings :
min: 0.5, // minimum detection score
distance: 0.5, // minimum distance between one and two
meta: {}, models: <I.Fingerprint[]>[]
machine: any = {
// detect these programming or machine languages :
languages: [
'apache', 'bash', 'coffeescript', 'cpp', 'cs', 'css', 'diff',
'django', 'erb', 'go', 'ini', 'java', 'javascript', 'json',
'makefile', 'markdown', 'nginx', 'objectivec', 'perl', 'php',
'python', 'ruby', 'sql', 'stylus', 'typescript', 'xml'
// if minimum detection score is not reached ...
fallback: 'markdown',
// include meta informations for machine languages
inclMeta: true,
// include highlighted syntax html markup
inclMarkup: true,
// recommended settings :
min: 0.5, // minimum detection score
distance: 0.2, // minimum distance between one and two
meta: {}
hasNatural = true,
hasMachine = true